(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper 2020 "Forestry"- II
(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper-2020 "Forestry"- II
Exam Name: IFoS (Main) Exam
Exam Year: 2020
Subject: "Forestry"- II
Q1. Answer the following:
(a) What are the key decision parameters in an uneven-aged forest management ?
(b) Why should GIS be considered as a 'Pure Science ?
(c) How does collaborative forest management ensure community and household resilience ?
(d) What are the recommended practices for strategic harvest planning ?
(e) Construction and maintenance of forest roads can be considered as an essential investment of forest growth. Comment.
Q2. (a) What are the factors that affect a stand structure ? Describe in brief the DBH distribution in even, uneven and multi-aged normal forest stands.
(b) What are the classical methods for determining the allowable cut ?
(c) What are the factors that cause foundation failure during construction of a forest building ?
Q3. (a) What are the applications of remote sensing in forestry?
(b) What are the basic details of an engineering design of a timber bridge ? What steps should be taken to ensure its durability ?
(c) What are the socio-ecological implications of modifying rotation lengths in forestry?
Q4. (a) What are the objectives of forest surveying ? How does topographic survey aid in forest planning and management ?
(b) A well-defined working plan is crucial for sustainable management of forests and biodiversity. Write your answer in brief in the light of National Working Plan Code 2014.
(c) How does slope aspect impact forest stand characteristics and soil properties ?
Q5. Answer the following:
(a) How does shifting cultivation support community livelihood and biodiversity conservation ?
(b) What is the direct role of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 in conservation of wildlife?
(c) How does inflation influence forest goods ? Briefly explain the types of inflation that directly influence the prices of forest goods.
(d) What are the rules laid down for efficient felling ? Classify the timbers based on industrial use.
(e) What is the significance of wildlife in today's perspective ? Discuss in brief about the components of wildlife ecology.
Q6. (a) Discuss the role of forest resources in the Indian economy. Suggest suitable storage methods for wood or other forest produce and their management strategies.
(b) What is the need to protect the forests ? Enumerate the major threats responsible for forest injuries. Suggest suitable preventive and protective measures to safeguard the forest wealth.
(c) Why is carbon cycle important ? How do human activities affect carbon cycle ?
Q7. (a) What is the significance of Afforestation and Reforestration to the ecosystem ? How are the National Afforestation Programmme, Green India Mission and Forest Fire Prevention and Management Scheme helping in restoration of forests ?
(b) What are the structural and functional changes that occur in a forest ecosystem during succession ?
(c) What do you understand by forest valuation ? Discuss in brief. Describe various valuation techniques for forests.
Q8. (a) Describe the process of wood formation. Write in detail about the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of wood.
(b) Write in detail about the historical background of forest policies in India and their aims. Describe in brief about the organization of forest sector in India.
(c) How has the National Forest Policy of 1988 changed the national scenario ? Describe in brief. Highlight some major achievements in relation to the above policy.
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Courtesy : UPSC
(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper-2020 "Forestry"- II
Exam Name: IFoS (Main) Exam
Exam Year: 2020
Subject: "Forestry"- II
Q1. Answer the following:
(a) What are the key decision parameters in an uneven-aged forest management ?
(b) Why should GIS be considered as a 'Pure Science ?
(c) How does collaborative forest management ensure community and household resilience ?
(d) What are the recommended practices for strategic harvest planning ?
(e) Construction and maintenance of forest roads can be considered as an essential investment of forest growth. Comment.
Q2. (a) What are the factors that affect a stand structure ? Describe in brief the DBH distribution in even, uneven and multi-aged normal forest stands.
(b) What are the classical methods for determining the allowable cut ?
(c) What are the factors that cause foundation failure during construction of a forest building ?
Q3. (a) What are the applications of remote sensing in forestry?
(b) What are the basic details of an engineering design of a timber bridge ? What steps should be taken to ensure its durability ?
(c) What are the socio-ecological implications of modifying rotation lengths in forestry?
Q4. (a) What are the objectives of forest surveying ? How does topographic survey aid in forest planning and management ?
(b) A well-defined working plan is crucial for sustainable management of forests and biodiversity. Write your answer in brief in the light of National Working Plan Code 2014.
(c) How does slope aspect impact forest stand characteristics and soil properties ?
Q5. Answer the following:
(a) How does shifting cultivation support community livelihood and biodiversity conservation ?
(b) What is the direct role of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 in conservation of wildlife?
(c) How does inflation influence forest goods ? Briefly explain the types of inflation that directly influence the prices of forest goods.
(d) What are the rules laid down for efficient felling ? Classify the timbers based on industrial use.
(e) What is the significance of wildlife in today's perspective ? Discuss in brief about the components of wildlife ecology.
Q6. (a) Discuss the role of forest resources in the Indian economy. Suggest suitable storage methods for wood or other forest produce and their management strategies.
(b) What is the need to protect the forests ? Enumerate the major threats responsible for forest injuries. Suggest suitable preventive and protective measures to safeguard the forest wealth.
(c) Why is carbon cycle important ? How do human activities affect carbon cycle ?
Q7. (a) What is the significance of Afforestation and Reforestration to the ecosystem ? How are the National Afforestation Programmme, Green India Mission and Forest Fire Prevention and Management Scheme helping in restoration of forests ?
(b) What are the structural and functional changes that occur in a forest ecosystem during succession ?
(c) What do you understand by forest valuation ? Discuss in brief. Describe various valuation techniques for forests.
Q8. (a) Describe the process of wood formation. Write in detail about the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of wood.
(b) Write in detail about the historical background of forest policies in India and their aims. Describe in brief about the organization of forest sector in India.
(c) How has the National Forest Policy of 1988 changed the national scenario ? Describe in brief. Highlight some major achievements in relation to the above policy.
(Ebook) Download IFoS Previous Year Papers e-Book
Study Kit for Indian Forest Service (IFoS) Prelims
Printed Study Material for IAS Exam (UPSC) (Combo)
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Courtesy : UPSC