(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper 2019 "General Knowledge"
(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper 2019 "General Knowledge"
Exam Name: IFoS (Main) Exam
Exam Year: 2019
Subject: General Knowledge
1. (a) Describe the Roman trade with India during post-Mauryan period
with emphasis on main ports, internal trade routes and commodities. (200
words) 15 marks
(b) Trace the rise of Bhakti Movement. Discuss its nature with reference to
Dvaita and Advaita Vada. (200 words) 15 marks
(c) Discuss administrative policies of king Krishnadevaraya of Vijayanagara
empire. (125 words) 10 marks
(d) Elaborate the main tenets of Samrat Ashoka's Dhamma. (125 words) 10 marks
2. (a) What is meant by recession? What steps has the Government of
India taken so far to tackle the current ongoing recession in the country?
(200 words) 15 marks
(b) What are the major environmental policies till the date in India to address
the problem of environmental pollution and degradation? Do you think these
policies are sufficient to resolve the environmental pollution and degradation
in India? (200 words) 15 marks
(c) What do you mean by Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) of the public sector banks
in India? What steps has the Government of India adopted in recent time to
reduce the NPAs of the public sector banks? (125 words) 10 marks
(d) Do you think that Paris Agreement on Climate Change is loaded against the
developing countries like India? (125 words) 10 marks
3. (a) To what extent has the asymmetrical federal scheme offering
differential autonomy for territorially concentrated ethnic groups helped in
protecting the rights of minorities within these sub-units, or the rights of
inter-state migrants in India? Critically analyze. (200 words) 15 marks
(b) While civil-political rights merely ask the state to refrain from acting in
a certain way, the satisfaction of social rights requires the state to act
affirmatively. Comment while assessing the success and limitations of state's
affirmative actions in providing social and economic justice in India. (200
words) 15 marks
(c) Comment on the nature of ordinance-making power of the President of India.
Also discuss the various safeguards which can help to prevent possible misuse of
such a power. (125 words) 10 marks
(d) While contextualizing the Panchayats in their larger institutional and
functional framework, outline the critically important role they play in
ensuring democratic decentralization in India. (125 words)10 marks
4. (a) “Sustainable management of tropical rainforest ecosystem is
difficult.” Examine the statement in the light of recent forest fires of Amazon.
(200 words) 15 marks
(b) India wants to become a global hub of manufacturing of electric vehicles. Do
we have the competitive advantage to become a global leader? (200 words) 15
(c) Explain the topographical and structural characteristics of Western Ghats.
(125 words) 10 marks
(d) Infant mortality rates in India are still one of the highest in the world
with significant regional variations. Elaborate. (125 words) 10 marks
5. (a) What are the sources of plant fibres? Describe the
classification of fibres based on nature, use and structure. (200 words) 15
(b) Write an account on household insects affecting human health and also
mention briefly on prevention and control. (200 words) 15 marks
(c) How has golden rice been developed? Write a note on its importance in human
nutrition. (125 words) 10 marks
(d) What is phytoremediation? Discuss its importance. (125 words) 10 marks
6. (a) What are liquid crystals? Discuss in brief the characteristic
useful features of liquid crystals and their great range of applications in
diverse fields. (200 words) 15 marks
(b) In what ways are laser light and starlight similar? In what ways are they
different? Explain the usefulness of laser in barcode scanners, laser printers
and cautery instruments. (200 words) 15 marks
(c) What is the idea of neurocomputing? What are the biological inspirations of
the neuromorphic technology? (125 words) 10 marks
(d) Why was the south pole of the Moon chosen for landing of the Chandrayaan-2's
lander? Highlight one of the key objectives of Chandrayaan-2 Mission which will
demonstrate the advancement of technologies in Indian space research.
(125 words) 10 marks
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