IGNOU HISTORY NOTES : History Of China and Japan (1840-1949) - Meiji Japan - II

IGNOU HISTORY Study Notes for IAS, UPSC Exams

History Of China and Japan (1840-1949)

Meiji Japan - II


19.0 Objectives
19.1 Introduction
19 2 sino japanese War
19.3 Japan's Activities in China after 1894
19.3.1 Open Door Policy
19.3.2 Demand for Concessions
19.4 Anglo-Japanese Alliance
19.5 Russo-Japanese War
19.6 Aftermath of the Russo-Japanese War
19.6.1 Annexation of Korea
19.6.2 Japan's Sphere of Influence in Manchuria
19.7 Let Us Sum Up
19.8 Key Words
19.9 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises


After reading this Unit you will be able to know about:

  • Japan's attemptsto get recognition in the world arena as a power between 1894-1912,
  • the causes, course and effects of the Sino-Japanese War,
  • the factors that led to the Anglo-Japanese Al!iance,
  • the causes and effects of the Russo-Japanese War,
  • the circumstances that led to Korea's annexation by Japan, and
  • Japan's sphere of influence in Manchuria.


The year 1894 was a landmark in Japan's foreign relations. It signalled the end of
extra-territoriality as well as the emergence of Japan as a power superior to China in
military terms. The attention of Western powers was drawn towards Japan. Their
apprehensions about Japan were revealed in their intervention in the settlement
between Japan and China. Japan learnt the lesson that she should not count on her
gains unles it had international approval. We shall read in this Unit how Russia was I
seen as a threat both by Britain and Japan, prompting an alliance between Britain and
Japan. At the end of the Me111 penod Japan nau increased her terntonal acqulsltlons
and emerged on the Asian scene as an independent imperlalrit power. This Unit takzs
into account the varlous phases of Japanese foreign policv and relations durlng the
period 1894-1912. 

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Courtesy: eGyanKosh