IGNOU HISTORY NOTES : History Of Modern Europe (Mid 18th to 20th Centuries)- COLONIALISM
IGNOU HISTORY Study Notes for IAS, UPSC Exams
History Of Modern Europe Mid 18th to Mid 20th Centuries
21.0 Ohiectives
21.1 Introd~iction
21.2 What is Colonialism?
21.3 Colonialism and Imperialism
21.4 Colonialism: A Mode of Productioll or a Social Formation
21.5 Basic Features of Colonialism
21 .h Colonial State
21.7 Stages of Colonialism
21.7.1 First Stage
21.7.2 Second Stage
21.7.3 Third Stage
21.8 Let Us Sum Up
21 9 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
After stutdyiug this Unit you will learn about:
- the basic features of colonialism;
- the relationship between the metropolis and the colony; and
- the different stages of colonialism and their special characteristics.
The history of modern Europe encompasses the history of the world by virtue of the colonies
acquired hy the iuajor European powers from the eighteenth century onwards. Capitalism, by
its very nature, was a world system. The motor for its expansion was the quest for protected
niarkets and exclusive sources of raw materials. By the nineteenth century the continents of
Asia. Africa and South America had been carved up as colonial possessions of the European
powers. Countless wars took place between the competing imperial powers for control over
colonial territories. The division of Europe into conflicting nodal points of power v~a the
mechanism of the system of alliances was in large measure due to the-attempt by imperlal
powers that were late entrants into capitalism to somehow ensure, 'a place in the sun'. The
rush for colonies escalated international rivalry and tenslon appreciahly in the nineteenth and
early twentieth century.
Colonialism is the name given to the system that prevailed in the colonies. The last halfcenhtry has witnessed the decline and collapse of this system all over the world. The loss of
empires has reduced the foremost imperial power, Britain, to a third-rate country dependent on I
the United States of America. It is interesting that the end of colonialism has altered the picture
of the world almost as drastically as its establishment. The steady march of colonies towards
achievement of freedom has made the third world a significant force In world politics. The
term post-colonial that is now commonly used indicates that all countries which experienced
colonialism have a basic commonality, their colonial past, which shapes their present, too.
In this Unit we discuss the nature of colonialism in the modern age of capitalism. We lay
special emphasis on the relationship between the colony and the metropolis and on the stages
of colonialism. We also analyse the phenomenon of colonialism at a genersrl kvel without
going Into the specificity of its form and impact in any particular colony. In the next Unit we
shall take up case studies of three countries.
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Courtesy: eGyanKosh