IGNOU HISTORY NOTES : History Of Modern Europe (Mid 18th to 20th Centuries)- FORMATION OF NATION-STATES -2: GERMANY AND ITALY

IGNOU HISTORY Study Notes for IAS, UPSC Exams

History Of Modern Europe Mid 18th to Mid 20th Centuries



18.1 Introduction
18.2 German Nationalism
18.2.1 Gelman Nat~onal Idea
18.2.2 Political Background
18.2.3 Economic Background
18.2.4 , Nationalism and Democracy
18.2.5 Unificatlon : Revolution from Above
18.3 Cultural Background of Italian Nationalism
18.3.1 Idea of Nationalism
18.3.2 Italian Language
18.3.3 Humanism
18.4 political Background of Italiali Nationifism
18 4.1 Modern Italian Politi~al Nationalism
18.4.2 Young Italy 
18.4.3 I'iedmont Satdinla

18 4 4 The Catholic Church
18.5 .Economic Background of Italian Natiorrallsm
18 5.1 North-South Difference
18.5.2 State and Economy
18.6 Process Untification
18.6.1 Popular Movements
18.6.2 War ancl Unificatlon
18.7 Let Us, Sum
18.8 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises


In the earlier Units in this block you have read about the growth of ideas of nationalism and
the rise of nation-stares. You have also seen how the nation-states in Britain and France
developed during 16th and 17th centuries. After reading this Unit you shall be able to learn:

  • the evolution of German national idea;
  • the political and economic background of German nationalism;
  • the political, cultural and economic background of Italian nationalism; and
  • the role of war and popular mobilizations in the creation of the nation-states.


As you have read in the previous Unit, in the older states like Britain and France, nationalism
developed within state boundaries shaped by historical circumstances. It was the French
Revolution which created the ideal not only of democracy but of nationalism - the nation
'one and indivisible'. The French emphasized linguistic uniformity within a nation state
although they were willing to integrate within the nation those who acquired French and
accepted other conditions for citizenship and nationality. In the case of the Germans and

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Courtesy: eGyanKosh