IGNOU HISTORY NOTES : History Of Modern Europe (Mid 18th to 20th Centuries)- INDUSTRIAL CAPITALISM IN RUSSIA
IGNOU HISTORY Study Notes for IAS, UPSC Exams
History Of Modern Europe Mid 18th to Mid 20th Centuries
11.0 Objectives
1 1.1 Introduction
1 1.2 Environmental Factors for Backwardness in Russia
11.3 The Agricultural Inheritance
1 1.3.1 Institutional Factors: Serfdom
11.3.2 Institutional Factors: The Commune
11.4 The Effects of the Emancipation upon Industrialisation
11.5 The Role of the State in Russian Industrialisation.
1 1.6 The Gershchenlu'on Model
11.7 Industrialisation before the Emancipation of the Serfs
1 1.8 The Railways
1 1.9 Industrial Trends from the 1860s to the 1880s
1 1.10 The Background to the Industrial Spurt of the 1890s.
11.11 The Witte System
11.11 .I Fast Growth
11.11.2 Revenue and Taxation
1 1.1 1.3 Role of Foreign Capital
11.11.4 An Assessment of the Industrial Spurt of 1890s
11.12' Industrial Capitalism from 1901 to 19 14
11 .I 2.1 Crisis
11.12.2 Monopolistic Devices
11.12.3 The Growth Year of 1908-13
11.12.4 Russia in l9;4
11.13 LetUsSumUp
1 1.14 Keywords
1 1.15 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
After reading this unit you should be able to:
- see how industrial capitalism in Russia developed late due to a number of factors that reinforced and prolonged features of environmental and institutional backwardnbs, .
- see how the onus of overcoming these limitations fell on an ambitious state and an overburdened peasantry,
- see how inspite of these limitations Russian industry did manage spurts df high growth, and
- see how a limited market for consumer goods focused industrial growth mainly on heavy industry.
The advance of industrial capitalism in Russia from the 1890s has been characterised as a
process of late development because it occurred several decades after the industrialisation of
Russia's main eco#omic and political rivals, England, France and Germany. The delayed
industrialisation of Russia is largely attributable to a series of factors that reinforced and
prolonged features of environmental and institutional backwardness. As a result, this
necessitated a wider role for the state in Russia as an industrial capitalist itself, than had b=en
true in western economies.
The lateness of Russian industrialisation offered the benefit of borrowing rather .than
originating industrial strategies. But it also imposed on Russian capitalists the penalties of
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