IGNOU HISTORY NOTES : History Of Modern Europe (Mid 18th to 20th Centuries)- NATIONALISM AND THE NATION- STATE
IGNOU HISTORY Study Notes for IAS, UPSC Exams
History Of Modern Europe Mid 18th to Mid 20th Centuries
P6.0 Objectives
16.1 Introduction
16.2 The Meaning of Nationalism
16.3 Idea of Nationalism and Nation-State
16.4 Stages in the Development of Nationalism
16.4.1 Nationalism before 1789: Proto-nationalism
16.4.2 Modem Nationalism: the Nineteenth Century
16.5 How Nationalism and the Modern State Create the Nation-State
16.5.1 Absolutism and Modem State
16.5.2 Modem State and System of States
.16.5.3 Nations and Nation-States ,
16.6 Relation between Democratic and Nationalist Mobilizations
16.6.1 Liberal Democracies and Nationalism
16.6.2 Factors Affecting National Mobilization and Democratization
16.6.3 Ethnic-Linguistic Basis of Nationalism in the Late Nineteenth Century
16.6.4 Nationalist Movements and Democracy
16.7 Nat~onalism, and Social Class: Germany and Britain
16.8 Italian Nationalism and Popular Mobilization
16.9 Phases of National Identity Development : Eastern Europe
16.9.1 Cultural Nationalism: Phase A and B . .
16.9.2 Spread of National Idea and Nationalism
16.10 Let Us sum Up
16.1 1 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
After reading this Unit you shall be ahle to learn:
- how the ideas of nationalism evolved in Europe;
- the role of nationalism and modern state in creating the nation-state;
- the role of language and democratic politics in mobilizing people and fostering the growth of nationalism and nation-state; and
- phases in development of national identities in some Eastern European countries.
National~sm is a modern phenomenon. Even though its idea can be traced back in time,
national~sm in the modern sense emerged only during the eighteenth century in western Europe.
During the 19th and 20th centuries it spread throughout the world. Natioeism aligned with
the modern state in g~ving rise to nation-state. In certain cases, the modern state fostered a
sp~rit of ~iat~onalism to provide Ule people inhahiting its boundaries with a viable nationalist
ideology. Both together gave rise popular mobilizations which further strengthened the state
and helped the formation of nation-states.
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Courtesy: eGyanKosh