IGNOU HISTORY NOTES : History Of Modern Europe (Mid 18th to 20th Centuries)- PATTERNS OF COLONIAL DOMINATION-2 : INDIRECT RULE
IGNOU HISTORY Study Notes for IAS, UPSC Exams
History Of Modern Europe Mid 18th to Mid 20th Centuries
23.0 Objectives
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Emergence of Semi-Colonialisnl
23.2.1 Free Trade
23.2.2 Preference for Indirect rule in Complex Situation$
23.2.3 Reconciling conflicting Imperial Interesls
23.3 Indirect Rule : Case Studies
23.3.1 China
23.3.2 Latin America
23.3.3 The Ottoman Empire
23.3.4 Iran
23.4 Let Us Sum Up
23.5 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
This Unit will enable you to learn about
- the nature of the indirect rule;
- the factors leading to the emergence of this I'orm of rulc; and
- the actual working and the impact of indircct colonial rule in illally repons of the world.
While large parts of Asia and Africa were brought under direct colonial culc, there were other
areas where colonialism took an indirect form. Wllat do we mean by indircct rulc'! This form
of rule. which is ako sometimes called semi-colonialism was onc 111 which the acttial process
oi runni~lg a country remained in the hands of thc local rulers, howcver weak and incffic~ent
they might be, while the imperialist powers concerned themselves with oh!aining thc r~l;lxinlam
ecanomic gain by extracting raw materials according to their requirements and carving out a
market for their manufactured goods.
In economic terms the indirect rule can also he referred to as semi-colonialism. For the purposes
of our study, we shall use the term semi-colonialism Inore ticque~ltly than indircct rulc. This
is because the category of semi-colonialism brings out better the uncqua! tlature of ~hc relationship
between the Imperialist powers aid the less developed world wh~ch was brought within the
orbit of capitalism. The relationship was clearly exploitative - onc in which, lhrci~gh di ifcrcut
strategies and clever moves, the economies of the se~ni-colonies we:c nlajc tci yield tjenefits
to the metropolis - i.e., the imperialist power. Some historia~ls usi. llie categories of 'formal'
and 'informal' empire to distinguish direct from indirect rul~.
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Courtesy: eGyanKosh