IGNOU HISTORY NOTES : History Of Modern Europe (Mid 18th to 20th Centuries)- THE TWO WORLD WARS

IGNOU HISTORY Study Notes for IAS, UPSC Exams

History Of Modern Europe Mid 18th to Mid 20th Centuries



30.0 Objectives
30.1 Introduction
30.2 Factors for tlie Wars
30.2.1 National Economics tlnd I'olitict~l Rivalry
30.2.2 Ihternationul Relations and I;ortn;~tion of C:imps
30.3 Tlie Warring Nations in lllc World Wars
30.4 Wars as the Wars of ldeologies
30.4.1 ldcologically deli~lcd Armed Camps of the Two Worid Wars
30.4.2 Political Spectrum of Eurclpc at the Outhrcak ol' the War
30.5 Beginning of the Cold War
30.6 Let Us Srlnl Up
30.7 Key Words
30.8 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises


In this Unit you will learn about :

  • changes introduced in intcrnalional relat!ons due to industrializaiion.
  • continuities that came to be establislled between the two world wars as a single. unintcrrupted process, and
  • the ideological factors that kcpt the groupings in the wars identical in both cases.


We have so far discussed the nature and conscquences of industrial capitalis~n and tlle
consequent rise of nlodern politics. In the earlier Units. the growth of nation-states and thc
nature of i~nperialist rivalries have also been discussed. We understand yo11 arc now bcttcr
placed to see the two world wars as culmination of these diverse proccsses. Industrialization
had signalled in fact the growth of new states that conlpeted with each other for global
domination: and in the absence of riicclianis~iis for peacefiil resolutions of internatiooa\
rivalries, armed conflicts on an al~llost global scale becanle incvit;ible. Since Europc had
already been divided into ideologically defined camps, the war also ass~~rncd tzological
dimensions. In the first World War ideology was still in the background Rut the Socolld
World War definitely saw tlie alliance of liberal democracy and sociali:;!n opposed to 1lie
rightist dictatorial regimes. Interestingly the War did not fiilfil tlle objeciive of either campannihilation of the other. Soon after the end of arined conflict therefore began an cra of Cold


The two wars were caused by a variety of factor. The beginning of the century witnessed the
division of the world into major intcmational forces based on distinct ideologies. These forces
were well equipped with tlie weapons of 11:odern welfare. In the initial decades of the 20111
century they competed with each other for a doillination of the entire world. Since their
conflicts and rivalries could not be resolved through any peacefiil mecBanism, they resulted
in tlie outbreak of the two world wars. Let us look at this aspect in sollie details 

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Courtesy: eGyanKosh