IGNOU HISTORY NOTES : India History From 8th to 15th Century - Ideology

IGNOU HISTORY Study Notes for IAS, UPSC Exams

History India From 8th to 15th Century



6.0 Objectives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Ideology: Varied Standpoints
6.2.1 Ideology as a System of Knowledge
6.2.2 Sociological Approaches
6.2.3 Psycho-cultural Approaches
6.3 Religion, Ideology and Society
6.4 ' Ideology: The Early Indian Setting
6.5 Ideology: Its Role and Nature in the Post-Gupta Cenhires.
6.5.1 Land Orahts: Their Philosophy
6.5.2 Bhakti and Pilgrimage
6.5.3 Tantricism
6.5.4 Hero-Stones - 6.5.5 ReliGon as Ideology-For Whom?
6.6 Let Us Sum Up .
6.7 Key Words
6.8 Answers To Check Your Progress Exercises


After reading this Unit you should be able to explain the:
complexities of difining ideology,
nuances of ideology and the ways of looking at these,
major stam in the writings on ideology from various standpoints,
recent developmdnts in the analysis of ideology,
place ojreligion and ideology in society,
philosophical background of land grants in the post-Gupta centuries, and
specific religious developments tn India through the millennia and their
potentiahties to act as ideology.


This Unit deals with the pioblem of ideology. Broadly, three major issues have been
discussed. First, the theoretical dimensions of ideology take cognizance of various
approaches of studying ideology. It also mentions distinctive contribution in each i'
case. Second, the Unit has also attempted to determine the place of religion and
ideology in society. Finally, the theoretical understanding of ideology is applied in the
Indian setting. In this cbntext, the focu's is on the role and nature of ideology in the
post-Gupta centuries, though certain important religious developments of the
pre-Gupta millennizizlhave also been mentioned. The overall thrust underlines the
need to study ideology in its potentialities to sway masses. 

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Courtesy: eGyanKosh