IGNOU HISTORY NOTES : India History From 8th to 15th Century - Territorial Expansion

IGNOU HISTORY Study Notes for IAS, UPSC Exams

History India From 8th to 15th Century

Territorial Expansion


15.0 Objectives
15.1 Introduction

15.2 Expcrasion untkr the Khaljis
15.2.1 West md Central India
15.2.2 North-West and North India
15.2.3 Dccan +SoutLnud Exp.luioa
15.3 Exprnsion under the Tughlas
15.3.1 The South
15.3.2 Eest india
15.3.3 North,west and north
15.4 Let Us Sum Up
15.5 Keywads
15.6 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises


You have rd in Unit 14 that after military conquests, the rulers of the Delhi
Sultmate ad thanadvc8 on the t& of ddating the Sultanate. 'Ihe first
buadrea years of the -Ddbi Sultanate did not thus witness any- large-scale expansion of
tbeiaiCbloftheSultsartc.Itwasoalyaftcrfirstesta gtheroots
d the SulClraate that attention was paid to the expansion of the boundaries of the
Mtmmc in the fommcath century.
Aha reading this Unit you will know about:
a the tedtorial expamion of the Delhi Sultanate in the 14th century in the north,
north-west and north-east, and


The initial surge of occupation untkr the early Turkish Sultans died down about the
middle of the tbtenth century. Now the primary obj&ve,of the hter Sultans
hrrune.theconsold.bon of the Sultanate. Tbus, it was not until the establishment of
the Kbslji rule that the boumhies of the Sultanate expanded beyond the early gains.
'ibe werthmw of the Turtirh hegemony at the end of the thirteenth century and its
replacement with the Khaljis, under whom the exclusive racial character of the ruling
dass was thoroughly diluted, is thus an event not without significance. 'Ihe opening
up of the Sultanate and dive participation of ruling groups in managing the
&firs of the !Wauate made ~~ expansion a feaaiMe propsition. Initial fora
into main and Ranthambhar soon after the accession of Jalaluddin Feruz Khalji to r"
r poWcal necessity. Ncighbdng kingdoms had become strong and any ;concerted
attamp mt the Sultpnw coukl cast it dear. Moreover, Alauddin's glittering
pqect of the acquisition of wealth, besides extending territorial gains, had sei the
atthebdthefourteenthcenturyforthe~onof anexpansionist

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Courtesy: eGyanKosh