IGNOU HISTORY NOTES : India History From 8th to 15th Century - The Bahmanis
IGNOU HISTORY Study Notes for IAS, UPSC Exams
History India From 8th to 15th Century
The Bahmanis
28.0 Objectives
28.1 Introduction
-28.2 Rise" of the Bahmani Power
28.3 Conquests and Consolidation
28.3.1 First Phase, 1347-1422
28.3.2 Second Phase, 1422-1538
28.4 Conflict between the Afaqis and the Dakhnis and their Relations with the King
28.5 Central and Provincial Administration
28.6 Army Organization
28.7 Economy
28.8 Society and Culture
28.9 Let Us Sum Up
28.10 Key Words
18.11 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
After reading this Unit, you will learn about :
- the emergence of the Bahmani kingdom, . the conflict between the old Dakhni nobility and the newcomers (the Afaqis) and
- how it ultimately led to the decline of the Bahmani Sultanate, and
- the administrative structure, society, economy and other cultural aspects.
You have seen that the Delhi Sultanate first intruded into the South during the time
of Alauddin Khalji. It was during Muhammad Tughluq's reign that significant
conquest of the South was effected. In this Unit, we will trace the story of the end of
the Tughluq rule in the Deccan and its replacement by the Bahmani Sultanate. It
will also take into account the conquests, consolidation, administrative system and.
the culture of the period.
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Courtesy: eGyanKosh