IGNOU HISTORY NOTES : India History From 8th to 15th Century - The Deccan

IGNOU HISTORY Study Notes for IAS, UPSC Exams

History India From 8th to 15th Century

The Deccan


I I .O Objectives /
I I. I Introduction
1 1.2 Identification of the Region
11.3 Formation of Political Authority : The Historical Background
1 1.4 Emergence and Expansion of Ruling Families
1 1.4.1 The Lineage and its Territory
1 1.4.2 The Patterns of the Emergence of Ruling L~neages
1 1.4.3 Fabrication of Genealogies 1
1 1.5 The Power Brgkers . 1 1.6 Inter-Lineage Networks
11.7 Land and Integration of Dispersed Foci and Levels of Power
1 1.8 The Bureaucratic Structure
1 1.9 Resource Base of the State
11.10 Political Instability in the Deccan Polity
11.11 Let Us Sum Up
11.12 Key Words
11.13 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises


In this Unit we will know about the nature, organisation and distribution of power
in one select region-the Deccan. After studying this Unit you will be able to :
understand the geographical spread of the Deccan,
list the major and minor powers that.exercised their authority over different
territories of the DBccan between the eighth and the thirteenth centuries,
grasp the political processes of the formation of local powers and their integration
into the power structure beyond local bounds,,
grasp the totality of the differential distribution of power, And
understand the nature of early medieval polity in the Deccan.


Keepi,ng in view the general trend of political developments, specially the nature of
polity in Western and Central lndia (Unit lo), the present Unit should be seen as a
complementary component. Beginning with the historical genesis of state society in
the times of the Mauryas, the Unit demardtes important strands in the political
structure in the Deccan during the early medieval centuries. It attempts to show the .
operation of such factors as lineage and land rights in the rise of states. Also, the
social and economic bases of political power are identified. Finally, it also highlights
the nature of the integration of plethora of power levels. 

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Courtesy: eGyanKosh