IGNOU HISTORY NOTES : India History From 8th to 15th Century - The Vijaynagar Empire

IGNOU HISTORY Study Notes for IAS, UPSC Exams

History India From 8th to 15th Century

The Vijaynagar Empire


27.0 Objectives
27.1 Introduction
27.2 Establishment &d Consolidation
27.2.1 Early Phase, 1336-1509
27.2.2 Krishnadcva eaya, 1509-29
27.2.3 Period of InatBbility, 152942
27.2.4 The PortuguMe
27.2.5 Vijaynapr's elations with the Deep South
27.2.6 The Dcccan 3 ushm States
27.3 Religion and Pqlitics
27.3.1 Ritual KingsS/p
27.3.2 Political Rolt of the Brahmans
27.3.3 Relationship between Kings, Sects and Templea
27.4 Local Administation
27.4.1 The Nay- System . -27.4.2 The Apgu
27.5 Economy
27.5.1 Land and lno$ne Rights
27.5.2 Economic R0)b of Templea
27.5.3 Foreign Triad61
27.5.4 Internal Tradtl and Urban Life
27.6 Society
27.7 Let Us Sum Up
27.8 Key Words
27.9 Answers to Cheqk Your Progress Exercises


After reading this Unit, you will know about:

  • the emergence of the Vijaynagar kingdom,
  • the expansion of Vijbnagar power during 14-16th century,
  • Vijaynagar's relatiods with the Bahmani rulers and deep south, . ,
  • thk process of consalidation and decline, and
  • the administrative set-up, economy and society'with special reference to naflnknra
  • and ayagnr system.


In the present Unit, we bill discuss the process of the emergence, expansion and
consolidation of the Vijbynagar power over the South lndian macro-region as well as
its disintegration. In thk previous Untt, you have read about the process of the
emergence of four kingdoms in the South Indian macro-region on the ruins of the
Chalukya Hnd Chola empires. In the South the Pandya and the Hoysala whereas in
the north the Kakatiya and the Yadava kingdoms rose to prominence. The invasion
of the Deccan and Soutb India by the Delhi Sultans weakened the power of these
kingdoms and made thtp subservient to the Delhi Sultanate. yhis was followed by
the emergence and expshsion of the Bahrnani and the Vijaynagar kingdoms in the
second quarter of the fdbrteenth century. Harihara and Bukka, the sons of Sangama
(the last Yadava king), bad been in the service of the Kakatiyas of Warangal. After
the fall of Warangal at the hands of the Delhi Sultans, they shifted to Kampili. Aftel
the'conquest of Kampilj, the two brothers were taken to Delhi where they embraced
Islam and became favoukites of the Sultan. Soon the Hoysalas attacked Kampili with
the support of the locrl,people and defeated the governor of Delhi. The Sultan at 

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Courtesy: eGyanKosh