IGNOU HISTORY NOTES : India History From 8th to Mid 15th Century - Non-Agricultural Productions

IGNOU HISTORY Study Notes for IAS, UPSC Exams

History India From 8th to Mid 15th Century

Non-Agricultural Productions


22.0 Objectives
22.1 Introduction
22.2 Agro-based Production
22.2.1 Textiles
22.2.2 Indigo
22.2.3 Spgar, Oil, etc. \
22.3 Minerals, Mining and Metals
22.3.1 Mineral Production
22.3.2 Metals
22.4 Wood-based Crafts
22.5 Miscellaneous Crafts
22.6 Organisation of Production
22.7 Let Us Sum Up
22.8 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises


During the period of our study, India had a high level of craft production. After going
through this unit you would :
know the various types of articles rhanufactured in India;
be able to list the main centres of specific crafts;
have an idea about the minerals found in various parts of the country;
know about the techniques used in production of a few commodities; and
have some idea about the organisation of production in certain crafts.


India had a high level of craft production during the period of our study. This craft
production was linked with the pattern of trade and commerce. We find that the
manufacturing activity was brisk in and around the main commercial centres.
The Persian chronicles provide limited information about the crafts and techniques
of production. European travellers and documents and correspondence of various
European trading companies supply more detailed information. These companies
were keen observers of the process of production and the quality of production.
Craft production was basically governed by the demand and consumption in the home
market. The increase in demand in overseas markets in the 17th Century was so great
that it started influencing the production activity.
In this unit, we will take into account the major crafts, their centres, raw materials
used and, wherever possible, the techniques of production. We will also discuss the
availability of minerals and their production. We will also analyse the organisation of
production in some selected crafts. 

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Courtesy: eGyanKosh