IGNOU HISTORY NOTES : India History From Mid 18th to Mid 19th Century - De-Industrialization in India
IGNOU HISTORY Study Notes for IAS, UPSC Exams
History India From Mid 18th to Mid 19th Century
De-Industrialization in India
17.0 Objectives
17.1 Introduction
17.2 What. h We Mean By De-industrialization
17.3 The Pre-British Economy
17.3.1 The Nature of Early Trade with Europe
17.3.2 The Fall Out of the Early Trade with Europe
17.3.3 Trade After Battle of Plasscy
17.3.4 The Impact of the European 'lrade
17.4 De-industrialization
17.5 Conclusions
17.6 Let Us Sum Up
17.7 Key Words
17.8 Answers To Check Your Progress Exercises
In this Unit you will get to know, about:
- what is meant by de-industri4ization in our period,
- the impact of European trade on India's Industries, and
- the connection ktween de-industriali?ation and the policies of the East lndia Company.
The increasing political ad economic subjugation of lndia to Britain since the
middle &the eighteenth century Ma pronaunced impact on the Indian economy.
The destruction of traditional Indian craft induslrics was one of the earliest noticed
nianifestations of British economic control over lndia. This process has often been
referred to as the 'de-mdustrialization' of the Indian economy in Indian economic
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