IGNOU HISTORY NOTES : India History From Mid 18th to Mid 19th Century - Social Discrimination and Disprivileged Group
IGNOU HISTORY Study Notes for IAS, UPSC Exams
History India From Mid 18th to Mid 19th Century
Social Discrimination and Disprivileged Group
28.0 Objectives
28.1 introduction
28.2 Pre-Colonial Social Discrimination and the Colonial Impact
28.3 Pegional Variations.: South India
28.4 hestern India
28.5 Northern and Eastern India
28.6 bontinuity and Change in Colonial India
28.7 A New Consciousness : Some Regional - Examples
28.8 bet Us Sum Up
28.9 Key Words
28.10 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
After sthdying this Unit you will be able to:
- leain about va~bus forms of social discriminations in different parts of-India,
- understand the impact of Colonial rule on the existing social system ad how the changes came in it, and
- explain the growth of a new consciousness among the disprivileged groups and hoy did they try to change the existing social order.
Indian dociety being based on caste system gave birth to different kind of social
discrimi~nation and created two broad social orders - privileged and disprivileged. In
this Unit we have tried to idtroduce you to_various forms of social discrimination and
disprivilleged groups in different parts of India. Social discrimination existed in India
long bebre the beginning of the colonial ruie. But the establishment of colonial rule
brought changes in economic and administrative system which to a great extent
inflbencled the existing social system in India. How 'and to what extent the change
came in Indian social system have been discussed in this Unit. Here we have also
touched upon the process of social mobility among the lower and intermediary castes
and also the challenge by some disprivileged groups to the agelong Brahmanical
domination in the society.
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Courtesy: eGyanKosh