IGNOU HISTORY NOTES : India History From Mid 18th to Mid 19th Century - The Languages of Modern India
IGNOU HISTORY Study Notes for IAS, UPSC Exams
History India From Mid 18th to Mid 19th Century
The Languages of Modern India
19.0 Objectives
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Impact of the Transition from Mughals to British Paramountcy
19.2.1 The Adoption of a Uniform Printed Script and a Standardized Language b 19.2.2 The Growth of Prose Literature
19.2.3 The Adoption of New Literary Forms
19.3 Linguistic Developments and Class Cleavages
19.3.1 Bengali
19.3.2 Gujarati
19.3.3 Tamil
19.4 Communal Polarization in Language
19,5 The Polarization of Urdu and Hindi i 19.5.1 Emergence and Groqth of Urdu
19.5.2 Growth of Standard Hindi
19.5.3 Impact on Punjab
19.6 Unity in Diversity
19.7 The Growth of Prose
19.7.1 Examples of Early Prose
19.7.2 The Beg~nning of the Western Impact I
19.8 Consequences
19.9 Let Us Sum Up
19.10 Key Words
19.1 1 Answers to Check Your ProgresS Exercises
After reading this unit, you will get to know about:
- the changes in the languages of India which came in the transition from the Mughal empire to the days of British paramountcy.
- how the developments in languages accompanied new polarizations which were occurring in the Indian society.
- the ways in which the developments in the languages were affected by the coming of the Western influence, and
- solie consequences the developments in the modern lndian language had on modern Indian history.
The languages of India went through important developments in the 18th and 19th
centuries. This had a significant impact on modern Indian history. Of these
developments, the most important was the growth of the vernacular languages. as
distinct from the classical languages. The vernacular languages acquired a standard
form and a new prose literature. As we shall see, these developments had a close
bearing upon the course of the social and cultural history of modern India, and even
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