Indian Air Force Permanent/SSC Officers in Operational Support Group: 2011
Indian Air Force Permanent/SSC Officers in Operational Support Group: 2011
Eligibility criteria:
- Administration & Logistics: the candidates should be a graduate with atleast 60% marks or can be a Post Graduate with atleast 50% marks in Science /Commerce / Arts /Management / Engineering or LLB.
- Meteorology: the candidates should be a PostGraduate in Science / Geography /MCA and should have secured atleast 50% marks. Should have passed Mathematics and Physics at Graduation level.
- Accounts: The interested candidates should be a Graduate with at least 60% marks or be a Post Graduate with at least 50% marks in Commerce or IOWA l CA with B Com / M.Com.
- Education: the interested candidates must be a Post Graduate in English /Defense Studies /Psychology / Mathematics /Physics /Statistics / Computer Science / Management or M Ed after PG or PhD with at least 50% marks.
The interested candidates should be below 20 years for all the categories. Also the age limit for Graduates is 23 years, for post graduates/Integrated BA LLB is 25 years and for M.Ed/PhD./LLB (after 3 years graduation) is 26 years as on 1st July, 2011. The minimum height for male candidates should be 157.5cms and that for female candidates should be 152cms.
How to Apply :
1. If you meet the eligibility criteria, apply on plain A4 size paper (typed or handwritten) in English as per Application Format given in the advertisement and send the same by Ordinary Post to the address as per First Choice of Centre for written examination i.e. Common Entrance Test (CET).
Application format can also be downloaded from our website: Application must reach the concerned Command HQ on or before last date for receipt of applications.
Details of Common Entrance Test (CET) centres and addresses where application should be forwarded are appended below:-
Cet Centres | Application to be Forwarded to |
Palam (Delhi), Rajokri (Delhi), Hindon (Ghaziabad), Chandigarh, Nal(Bikaner), Srinagar (J & K), Jammu | Command Education Officer, HQ Western Air Command, IAF, Subroto Park, New Delhi-110 010. Tele:(011) - 25687194 Extn - 7361 |
Allahabad, Agra, Bareilly | Command Education Officer, HQ Central Air Command, IAF, Bamrauli, Allahabad (U.P.)- 211012. Tele: (0532) - 2233261 Extn - 5406 |
Guwahati, Hashimara, Barrackpore (Kolkata) | Command Education Officer, HQ Eastern Air Command, IAF, Nong Lyer, Shillong (Meghalaya) - 739 009. Tele: (0364) - 2561461 - 67 Extn - 2422 |
Nagpur, Ojhar (Nasik) | Command Education Officer, HQ Maintenance Command, IAF, Vayu Sena Nagar, Nagpur (Maharashtra) - 440 007. Tele: (0712) - 2512771-75 Extn - 2253 |
Vadodara, Jodhpur, Pune | Command Education Officer, HQ South Western Air Command, IAF, Sector-9, Gandhi Nagar (Gujarat) - 382 009. Tele: (079) -23242600 Extn: 5535 |
Hyderabad (Begumpet and / or Hakimpet), Jalahalli (Bangalore), Tambaram (Chennai) | Command Education Officer, HQ Training Command, IAF, JC Nagar P.O., Hebbal, Bangalore -560 006 (Karnatka). Tele: (080)-23411061 Extn - 4335 |
Thiruvananthapuram, Sulur (Coimbatore) | Command Education Officer, HQ Southern Air Command, IAF, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 031 (Kerala) Tele:(0471) 2551361 Extn -334 |
Note: No query will be entertained regarding late receipt of applications.
Superscribe the envelope with name of the course for which applying and CET Centres opted for.
Final allotment of CET Centre will be at the discretion of Command HQs.
Application must be accompanied by two self addressed envelopes (size- 23x10 cm) pasted with Rs.27/- each postal stamps and two unattested recent passport size colour photographs similar to one pasted on the application.
Airmen and other government employees are to apply through proper channel.
Selection Procedure:
After scrutiny of applications, eligible candidates will be called for Common Entrance Test (CET) which will be conducted at the centres mentioned above on 30 Nov 2008 (Sunday). CET will have objective and descriptive questions to test the knowledge in English and General Awareness. CET has two parts, namely Part A- Multiple Choice Questions: English and General Awareness & Part B- Descriptive Test in English (comprehension passage, letter and paragraph writing). Candidates are to appear for CET at their own expense. Once finalised, list of short-listed candidates based on CET results.
Candidates who are short-listed on the basis of CET will be called for Personality Test at one of the Air Force Selection Boards (AFSBs) situated at Dehradun, Mysore & Varanasi.
Testing at AFSBs consists of
two Stages:
Stage I which consisting of Intelligence Test and Picture Perception and
Discussion Test (PP&DT) will be conducted on the first day. Stage I test is a
screening test and only those who qualify would undergo Stage II testing. Others
would be sent back on the first day itself. Stage II tests consisting of
Psychological Test, Group Test and interview will be conducted on the subsequent
days (four days).
Medical Examination will be conducted at AFCME, New Delhi or IAM, Bangalore for those who are recommended by AFSBs after stage-ll testing.
Candidates recommended by the AFSBs and declared medically fit will be appointed for training in order of All India Merit List depending on the number of vacancies available.
No compensation will be paid in respect of any injury sustained during SSB interview as a result of tests.
Onus of meeting eligibility criteria rests with the applicant. Merely undergoing CET/SSB testing would not constitute fulfillment of eligibility requirements.
10% of the vacancies are reserved for NCC Air Wing Senior Division 'C certificate holders.
Training is scheduled to commence in the month of Jul 2009.
Candidates will be detailed to undergo training of 52 weeks at Air Force Academy, Hyderabad. The training will include physical training, general service orientation, academic and professional subjects.
On completion of training they would be granted Permanent Commission / Short Service Commission (as applicable) in the rank of Flying Officer.
Important Instructions:
Terms and conditions given in the advertisement are guidelines only and are subject to change without notice.
Candidate below 25 years of age must be unmarried.
The candidate should neither have been arrested, convicted or prosecuted on criminal charges nor have bee suspended from Air Force Establishments on any grounds.
The initial tenure for Short Service Commission will be for a period of ten years. An extension of four years may be granted subject to service requirement and availability of vacancies.
Grant of PC / SSC will be at the discretion of the Indian Air Force, as per its requirement.
Important Date:
- Notification Release: In the mid of September, 2010
- Last date for receipt of applications: In the mid of October, 2010
- Date of Entrance Test: In the end of November, 2010
- Commencement of training: From the month of July, 2011
Publicity Cell,
Air HQ, 'DISHA', Motilal Nehru Marg,
New Delhi - 110 106
Tele: 011-23010231
Extn: 7080, 011-23013690 (Direct)
Telefax: 011-23017918