(Interview Schedule) UPSC : Airworthiness Officer in Directorate General of Civil Aviation - 2013
(Interview Schedule) Recruitment to 130 posts of Airworthiness Officer in the Directorate General of Civil Aviation
You have been summoned for interview as per details in the “Annexure”. You are requested to present yourself for interview accordingly at the Office of Union Public Service Commission at Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi – 110069. The reporting time is 09.00 A.M. Separately, Summon Letters have also been sent through Speed Post as well as through email.
You are being summoned for Interview subject to production of Documents/Certificates in original (along with attested Photocopies) which were mentioned in Advertisement No. SPL/51/2012, Item No 02 dated 14.04.2012 and detailed below:
Matriculation/Xth Standard or equivalent certificate indicating date of birth OR Matriculation/Xth Standard or equivalent Mark sheet issued by Central/State Board indicating date of birth.
Caste Certificate from a Competent Authority in prescribed format indicating clearly your (i) Caste, (ii) the Act under which the Caste is recognized as SC/ST/OBC; and (iii) the village/town you are ordinarily a resident of. The Issuing Authority of the caste certificate should be one of those indicated in the enclosed proforma.
Degree along with Mark sheets of all the Academic years in support of your Educational Qualifications. (In case Degree is yet to be conferred upon you, the Provisional certificate of Degree along with the Mark sheets of all the Academic years should be brought).
Certificate of Government Servant in prescribed format (for candidate claiming age relaxation of Govt. Servant)
Three copies of your recent photograph (Passport size) (5 x 7 cms) signed by you in ink on the front only. The photographs should, prima facie, appear to have been taken within the preceding one month. On the reverse of the two photographs you should write in ink your (i) Roll Number, (ii) Date of interview;and (iii) the name of the Post. Only the Upper-half should be utilized for writing Roll Number etc., and the Lower half should be left blank for Official use.
Interview Schedule
Start Date : 18.03.2013 to 23.03.2013
Courtesy : UPSC