(Interview-Schedule) JKPSC :Recruitment of Lecturers in Various Govt. Colleges, Jammu & Kashmir
Jammu And Kashmir Public Service Commission
Interview Notification Dated 15-01-2013 For the Recruitment of Faculty Posts in Various Govt. Colleges, Jammu & Kashmir
It is hereby notified that the Interviews of the below mentioned candidates, who have applied for the posts of Foreman (Engineering), Lecturer-I Electrical Engineering in Technical Education Department, Lecturer S & PM (Govt.Medical College, Jammu), Lecturer CD & TB (Govt.Medical College, Srinagar), Lecturer Forensic Medicine (Govt.Medical College, Srinagar), Lecturer Anesthesiology (Govt. Medical College, Srinagar) & B-Grade Spl. Anesthesiology shall be held in J&K Public Service Commission Office, Reshamghar Colony, Bakshi Nagar, Jammu at 9.30 AM sharp on the dates indicated against each candidates name in the officical Notification for which the link is given below.
Only eligible candidates possessing the requisite qualification/experience prescribed under rules shall be allowed to appear in the Interview subject to the condition that they are within the prescribed age limit on the cut off date. The candidature of all such candidates is purely provisional.
The candidates are advised to report at the venue of Interview at 9.30 AM. sharp on the date of Interview
The candidates are advised to produce the original certificates/testimonials on the date of interview, along with deficient documents, if any, notified vide this office Notices dated 25.07.2012, 06.08.2012, 15.10.2012 & 16.10.2012 failing which they shall not be allowed to sit in the Interview.
Courtesy : Jammu And Kashmir Public Service Commission