(Interview) UPSC topper Shubhra's Interview with IBN
Interview : UPSC topper Shubhra's Interview with IBN
The topper of the Civil Services examination, Shubra Saxena credits hard work and God's grace for her win. Shubhra Saxena spoke to CNN-IBN after her win.
CNN-IBN: Congratulations on your spectacular success. Tell us, was it very hard to prepare for this examination?
Shubhra Saxena: First of all, thank you. Regarding how hard it was, yes, it was hard. Cracking the Civil Services exam is a tough job. But then I think that every aspirant is working very hard towards it. So it is labour as well as God's grace that has landed me at the top spot.
CNN-IBN: Shubhra, I am told that this is your second attempt at the UPSC exam. What did you think worked for you, went right for you during this exam?
Shubhra Saxena: My first attempt was in a bit of haste. I was working till the end of 2006 and I decided to write my first Pre in 2007. So I think I did not have much of a time to prepare.
CNN-IBN: Why did you try this exam when you were already employed?
Shubhra Saxena: I think it was my dissatisfaction at whatever I was doing and the motivation to do something for the society that inspired me to write this exam.
CNN-IBN: What is your message now to future Civil Services aspirants?
Shubhra Saxena: Well, work hard and believe in yourself. Everything is possible. I am not unique that I made it here. I am just a part of the crowd. Last year I did not even make it. If you work hard, anything is possible.
CNN-IBN: Thank you for speaking to CNN-IBN
Courtesy:- IBNLive