(Exam Info) J & K Combined Services Competitive Examination (KAS)
J & K Combined Services Competitive Examination (KAS)
Till the end of the year 1954 there was no formal recruiting agency in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. A Public Service Recruitment Board’ was set up on December 31, 1954. Subsequently with the coming into force of the “Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir State” on 26th of January 1957, “Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission” was established, under section 128 of the Constitution of J&K, on September 2, 1957, with Major General Yadev Nath Singh PVC, as it is first Chairman. Under section 129 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir the Chairman and the Members of the Public Service Commission are appointed by the Governor for a period of five years or till he attains the age of 65 years whichever is earlier.
Regulations for the Medical Examination of Candidates for admission to the Jammu and Kashmir Police (Gazetted) Service. These regulations are intended merely for guidance of Medical Examiners and are not meant to restrict their direction in any manner.
1. To be passed as medically fir for admission to the J&K Police (Gazetted) Service a candidate must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of the duties of his appointment.
2. The candidate’s height will be measured as follows:- He will remove his shoes and be placed against the standard with his feet together, and the weight thrown on the heels and not of the toes of outer sides of the feet. He will stand erect without rigidity and with the heel claves, buttocks and shoulders touching the standard; the chin will be depressed to bring the vertex of the heel level under the horizontal bar, and the height will be recorded in inches and parts of an inch to quarters.
3. The candidate’s chest will be measured as follows:- He will be made to stand erect with his feet together and to raise his arms over his head. The tape will be so adjusted round the chest thus its upper edge touches the interior angles of the shoulders blades behind and its lower edge the upper part of the nipple in front. The arms will then be lowered to hand loosely by the side, and care be taken that shoulders are not thrown upwards or backwards so as to displace the tape. The candidate will then be directed to take a deep inspiration several times, and the maximum expansion of the chest will be carefully noted. The range of expansion should not be less than 2”. The minimum and maximum will then be recorded in inches-- 33-35, 34-36 etc.
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Courtesy: jkpsc.org