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(Fellowship) Recruitment of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) at ISRO, 2011
Government of India
Department of Space
Indian Space Research Organisation
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, under the aegis of National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Department of Space, Government of India is a premier Institute in the country with a mandate of imparting training and education in the field of remote sensing and geoinformatics for natural resources management. The Institute has emerged as a major centre for training, education and research on Indian subcontinent. The Institute has highly qualified and experienced faculty, who are also involved in research and development. It has state of art, modern infrastructure and working environment to carry out research activities. Those who wish to learn and use modern techniques for higher pursuits in their life; this is one of the most suitable Institutes.
The Institute invites applications for the post of Junior Research Fellow(s) for a period of three years.
IGBP Project (Code : 896-17) Sea Level rise and salt water ingress (Climate Change Project)
- Number of Posts: 01
- Qualification: Essential: M.Sc/M.Sc (Tech)/M.Tech in Geology /
Applied Geology / Environmental Science / Marine Science (minimum 65%
Desirable: Knowledge in Remote Sensing and GIS. - Duration: Initially for a period of two years as JRF and then for a period of One year as SRF subject to satisfactory performance before the review committee
Aerosol Radiative Forcing over India under ISRO-GBP(PC:8046) Project
- Number of Posts: 01
- Qualification: Essential: First class M.Sc/M.Sc(Tech)/M.Tech in
Physics /Atmospheric Science / Environmental Science / Geoinformatics
(minimum 65% marks).
Desirable: (a) Knowledge of computer programming with Experience in computer based analysis.
(b) Knowledge of Remote Sensing and GIS. - Duration: Initially for a period of two years as JRF and then for a period of One year as SRF subject to satisfactory performance before the review committeemittee
ISRO-GBP Project on LULC Dynamics at IIRS Dehradun.
- Number of Posts: 01
- Qualification: Essential: Master Degree in Geoinformatics /
Remote Sensing / Remote Sensing & GIS /Geoinformation Science and Earth
Observation (minimum 65% marks) with Bachelor Degree in Science /
Desirable: Experience in Geospatial Information Processing and Knowledge of programming language. - Duration: Initially for a period of two years as JRF and then for a period of One year as SRF subject to satisfactory performance before the review committee
Fellowship :
- Rs. 16,000/- per month for 1st and 2nd year and Rs. 18,000/- per month for 3rd year + HRA @20% + Medical as per rule.
Important Instructions
- All the posts are purely temporary and tenure is as mentioned above.
- Age should not be more than 30 years as on the last date of receipt of application. Age relaxation to SC/ST/OBC/PWB will be admissible as per rules.
- The place of posting is at Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun. However, depending on the requirement, posting may be at the place of collaborating agencies.
- Application should be accompanied with attested true copies of qualifications/experience/proof of date of birth/caste etc. along with marks certificate of all examinations and a recent passport size photograph.
How To Apply
Interested candidates may send their application on A-4 size plain paper duly indicating (1) Post applied for: (2) Name in full: (3) Date & Place of birth: (4) Nationality; (5) Name of the parent/spouse; (6) Address for correspondence (in block letter); (7) Permanent address; (8) Nearest railway station; (9) Whether SC/ST/OBC; (10) Educational/professional qualifications (indicating clearly the examination passed, University/Board, year of passing, class and percentage of marks and subjects taken from SSC/SSLC/Matriculation onwards); (11) Details of previous/present employment held, if any, in chronological order starting from present position backwards (indicating the name of the employer with full address, post held, salary drawn, period of service, nature of duties); (12) List of research publications, if any; (13) Any other information you wish to add including reference.
Contact Details
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing
(National Remote Sensing Centre)
4, Kalidas Road, Dehradun-248001
Phone : 0135 – 252 4314/252 4315,
Fax : 0135 – 2748041/2741987
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