(Jobs) JKPSC: Recruitment of Lecturers in Various Department in Government Medical College, Srinagar - March 2012
(Notification No: 10 - PSC Of 2012)
Applications on prescribed form are invited from permanent residents of J&K State only for the posts of Lecturers in Government Medical College, Srinagar/Jammu and Government Dental College, Srinagar in Health Medical Education Department as per Category wise breakup, Pay Scale, Educational Qualification and Age given below which should reach the Commission office J&K Public Service Commission, Polo Ground, Srinagar/Resham Ghar Colony, Bakshi Nagar, Jammu on or before 18.04.2012:
Total Posts: 16
Essential Qualification :
- M.D in (Forensic Medicine) M.D. (Pathology); MD (Path and Bact); Ph.D., D.Sc Specialty board pathology (USA) M.RC. Path(UK).
- M.D. in (Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases) or equivalent qualifications.
- M.D. (Radio-Therapy): M.D./M.S Radiology; Specialty board of Radiology (USA) or equivalent qualification.
- For Medical Persons: - Postgraduate degree in Pharmacology i.e M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc For Non-Medical Persons: - Ph. D in Pharmacology.
- For Medical Persons: - Postgraduate degree in Physiology i.e M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc For Non-Medical Persons: - Ph. D in Physiology.
- M.S (ophthalmology) FRCS (Ophthalmology) Specialty Board of Ophthalmology (USA)
Age Limit: Min 18 Years and Max. 37
How To Apply/Fees:
The Application Forms, duly filled in by the candidates should be submitted at PSC office, Resham Ghar Colony, Bakshi Nagar, Jammu/Polo Ground, Srinagar accompanied with Bank Draft or against cash payment of an amount of Rs. 400/- (excluding processing charges of Rs.10/-) in respect of general category candidates and Rs.200/- (excluding processing charges of Rs. 10/-) in respect of reserved category candidates through the counters of J&K Bank opened in the offices of J & K PSC at Jammu/Srinagar.
Fee amount is payable in the shape of Bank Draft drawn from J&K Bank Limited only or by cash at J&K Bank counters opened in P.S.C Offices both at Jammu/Srinagar. No other mode of payment is acceptable.
Website: http://www.jkpsc.nic.in
- The last date for receipt of applications as indicated above i.e. 18.04.2012
Click Here For Official Notification
Courtesy: jkpsc.nic.in