(JOBS) Recruitment of Probationary Officer at Allahabad Bank, 2011
Allahabad Bank
Advt No.: REC/ 01/2011-12
Allahabad Bank invites ON-LINE Applications from Indian Citizens for recruitment of 1500 robationary Officers. Candidates are required to apply on-line through Bank’s website www.allahabadbank.in (where full advertisement & fee payment challan are available).
Probationary Officer
- Number of Posts: 1500
- Grade/ Scale: JMG Scale-I B.P.:Rs.14,500-25,700
- Age: Min: 21 years Max : 30Years
- Graduate in any discipline with minimum 55% marks (for SC/ST/ PC–50%) in aggregate** from a University recognised by Government of India.
- Essential : Computer qualification like diploma in computer
operation from NIIT, SSI, Aptech, CMC, DOEACC course /
certificate (O/A/B/C) level etc. etc.
Selection Procedure:
The selection process will comprise Written Test and Interview.
(A) Written Test:
- The written test will comprise Objective Tests on (i) Test of Reasoning Ability, (ii) Quantitative Aptitude, (iii) General Awareness with special reference to Banking Industry, (iv) Computer Knowledge & (v) English Language
- The passing marks in each of the tests will be decided by the Bank on the basis of the performance of all the competing candidates taken together in each test to a minimum required level. Candidates have to pass in each of the Objective test separately. Candidates are also required to score a minimum 40% cut-off (35% for SC/ST/OBC) marks in aggregate to be considered for being called for interview. Bank reserves the right to vary cut-off marks.
- There will be separate cut-off marks for reserved category candidates with relaxed standards.
- Other details regarding the written test will be given in the ‘Information Booklet’ which will be available in the Bank’s website alongwith the Call Letter for the Written Test.
(B) Interview :
Depending upon the number of vacancies only a certain number of candidates from among those who qualify by ranking sufficiently high in merit on the basis of aggregate marks in the written test will be called for the interview. The candidate has to secure minimum passing marks in the interview.
(C) Final selection will be made on the basis of aggregate marks obtained by the candidates in the written test & Interview taken together and will be strictly according to the descending order of merit.
Important Dates:
- Fee Payment Challan available on Bank’s website from: 01.02.2011 (Tuesday)
- Payment of application fee / postage: 01.02.11 To 01.03.11
- Opening Date for ON-LINE Registration of Application on website: 01.02.2011
- Closing Date for ON-LINE Registration of Application on website (For all applicants including those from far flung areas.): 01.03.2011
- Relevant date for Age / Qualification reckoned as on: 01.01.2011
- Tentative Date of Written Test: 17.04.2011
How To Apply:
The candidates are required at first to see the eligibility criteria and if eligible, take a print of the Fee Payment Challan available in Bank’s website www.allahabadbank.in, fill in completely to pay the fee and / or postage in cash at any branch of Allahabad Bank in the designated Account No.50048377141 and obtain receipt (With Journal Number mentioned on it). Apply On-Line through the Recruitment link provided at the Bank’s website.
- Candidates are required to apply On-Line through website www.allahabadbank.in No other means/ mode of application will be accepted.
- Candidates are required to have a valid personal e-mail ID. It should be kept active during the currency of this recruitment project. Bank will be sending intimation for call letters for Pre-Examination Training, Written test, Interview etc. through the recorded e-mail ID. Under no circumstances, he/she should share/mention e-mail ID with/of any other person.
- In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying on-line.
- Applicants are first required to go to the Bank’s website www.allahabadbank.in and click on the Home Page and open the link “Recruitment”.
- Thereafter, open the Recruitment Notification titled “ALLAHABAD BANK PROBATIONARY OFFICERS’ RECRUITMENT PROJECT-2011-12”.
- Take a print of the entire Recruitment Notification, including the ‘FEES PAYMENT CHALLAN’.
- Fill in the Fees Payment Challan in a clear and legible handwriting in BLOCK LETTERS.
- Go to the nearest Allahabad Bank Branch with the Fees payment Challan and pay, in Cash,(deposit open from 01.02.2011to 01.03.2011) in the designated Account No. 50048377141 in the name & style of “ALLAHABAD BANK PROBATIONARY OFFICERS’ RECRUITMENT PROJECT-2011-12”.
Important Links:
Website: www.allahabadbank.in
Click Here For Full Details
Suggested Reading: "Bank PO Planner" BOOK
Courtesy: allahabadbank.inNEW! ONLINE PDF COURSE