(JOBS) Recruitment of Various Posts at National Law University, Orissa: 2011
National Law University, Orissa
Application are invited for Regular/long Term appointments for the following posts in Law, Sociology, Political Science, Management, Economics, Accounting, English, Mass Communication & Journalism, History and Psychology:
Professors (Law)
- Pay Scale: Rs.37000 - 67000 Academic Grade Pay - 10000
Associate Professors (Law)
- Pay Scale: Rs.37000 - 67000 Academic Grade Pay - 9000
Assistant Professors
- Pay Scale: Rs.15600 - 39100 Academic Grade Pay - 6000
- Pay Scale: Rs.37000 - 39100 Academic Grade Pay - 10000
- Pay Scale: Rs.37000 - 67000 Academic Grade Pay - 10000
Nature of Appointment:
- Regular/Long Term
- Qualifications for Appointment as Registrar
- Qualifications for Appointment of Faculties at School of Liberal Arts
- Qualifications for Appointment of Faculties at School of Public Law and Private Law
- Qulifications for Appointment as Librarian
- Qulifications for Appointment of Faculties at School of Managerial Excellence
How To Apply:
- Applicants must apply in the prescribed form available on NLUO Website.
- Filled in Application Form should be sent to the Registrar, National Law University Orissa with a demand draft of Rs.1000 drawn in favour of "Registrar, National university , Orissa" payable at Cuttack.
- The envelope should be super scribed as "Application for the post of......"
- Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview which may include mock class, research presentation and written test wherever deemed necessary.
Important Links:
- Advertisement for Regular or Long Term Appointments in the University
- Application Form for Faculty Postitions
- Application Form for Non-Teaching Positions
Contact Details:
National Law University
Chahata Ghat, Mahans\adi Ring Road,
Tulasipur, Cuttack - 753008
Tele-Fax: 0671-2506516
Website: www.nluo.ac.in
Click Here For Full Details
Courtesy: nluo.ac.in