(JOBS) UPSC: Advertisement No.19 | Last Date: 03 November, 2011
Advertisement No.19
Vacancy Details:
1. Post Name: Specialist
Grade-III (Paediatric Surgery)
No .of Posts: 01
Educational Qualification:
A recognized MBBS Qualification included in the First or the Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (Other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of Educational Qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfil the conditions stipulated in Sub-section(3) of Section (13) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
Post-Graduate Degree in the concerned Super speciality i.e. M.Ch.Paediatric Surgery or equivalent.
Three years’ experience in the concerned Super speciality (Paediatric Surgery) after obtaining the first Post-Graduate Degree.
NOTE I: The Medical qualifications possessed by the candidates should have the recognition of the Medical Council of India. In case of medical posts other than Allopathic system of medicine, the qualifications should be included in the respective Schedule of the Act governing that system of medicine. The proof thereof may be attached.
NOTE II: In so far as Post-Graduation Medical ualifications awarded by Indian Universities are concerned, they should also find a place in the Schedules to Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, as amended from time to time. Holder of equivalent Post- Graduate qualifications are approved by the Medical Council of India from time will be considered tohave requisite Post-Graduate qualification in the subject concerned. In case of medical posts other than allopathic system of medicine, the qualification should be included in the respective Schedule of theAct overning that system of medicine. The proof thereof may be attached.
NOTE III: Holders of speciality oard of USA qualifications should complete the entire requirements of the Board concerned.
NOTE:IV: Completion of compulsory Rotating Internship Certificate, Registration Certificate, an official document showing name of College/Institution from where degree/diploma has been done and official document showing name of the University and College from where teaching experience has been gained to be furnished.
NOTE:V: M.R.C.P./F.R.C.P.,F.R.C.S refer to Diploma or Membership and ellowship awarded by all the Royal College of U.K. and Fellowship of Royal College of U.K. and Fellowship of Royal College of Canada.
NOTE:VI: In the case of qualifications in Super-Specialities (M.Ch./D.M.) except in the case of holders of D.M./M.Ch. of five years duration, the holders should have obtained M.D.(General Medicine) or M.S.(General Surgery) or an equivalent qualification as prescribed by the said council in its recommendations on post graduate medical examination.
NOTE: VII: In the case of holder of D.M./M.Ch. qualification of five years duration, the period of Senior Post Graduate residency rendered in the last part of the said D.M/M.Ch. shall be counted towards requirement of experience.
To work in the Dispensaries and Hospitals of the Govt. of NCT of Delhi and shall be primarily handling patients of various types in these Hospitals and dispensaries for medical care. However they can, also be entrusted with other work including administrative and other related work as per exigencies of the public service.
Persons appointed to the service shall not be allowed private practice of any kind whatsoever including any consultation and laboratory practice.
2. Post Name: Specialist
Grade-III in Pulmonology (Tuberculosis & Respiratory Medicine Pulmonery
No .of Posts: 01
Educational Qualification:
Same as in Item No.1 above.
Post-Graduate Degree/Diploma in the concerned Super speciality i.e. M.D(Tuberculosis)/M.D.( T.B. & Respiratory Disc)/M.D.(Medicine) with TDD,DTD or DTCD/MD(T.B. & Chest Diseases)/ TDD/DTD/DTCD or equivalent.
Three years’ experience in the concerned Super speciality Pulmonology (Tuberculosis & Respiratory Medicine Pulmonery Medicine) after obtaining the first Post-Graduate Degree or five years’ experience after obtaining the first Post-Graduate Diploma.
NOTE I to NOTE VII, DUTIES, ANY OTHER CONDITIONS & HQ: Same as in Item No.1 above.
3. Post Name: Specialists
No .of Posts: 03
Educational Qualification:
Same as in Item No.1 above.
Post-Graduate Degree in the concerned Super speciality i.e. D.M.(Cardiology) or equivalent.
Three years’ experience in the concerned Super speciality ( Cardiology) after obtaining the first Post-Graduate Degree.
NOTE I to NOTE VII, DUTIES, ANY OTHER CONDITIONS & HQ: Same as in Item No.1 above.
4. Post Name: Specialists
Grade-III (Nephrology)
No .of Posts: 02
Educational Qualification:
Same as in Item No.1 above.
Post-Graduate Degree in the concerned Super speciality i.e. D.M(Nephrology) or equivalent.
Three years’ experience in the concerned Super speciality ( Nephrology) after obtaining the first Post-Graduate Degree
NOTE I to NOTE VII, DUTIES, ANY OTHER CONDITIONS & HQ: Same as in Item No.1 above.
5. Post Name: Specialist
Grade-III (Urology)
No .of Posts: 01
Educational Qualification:
Same as in Item No.1 above.
Post-Graduate Degree in the concerned Super speciality i.e. M.Ch. (Urology) or equivalent.
Three years’ experience in the concerned Super speciality (Urology) after obtaining the first Post-Graduate Degree.
NOTE I to NOTE VII, DUTIES, ANY OTHER CONDITIONS & HQ: Same as in Item No.1 above.
6. Post Name: Specialists
Grade-III (Neuro Surgery),
No .of Posts: 11
Educational Qualification:
Same as in Item No.1 above.
Post-Graduate Degree in the concerned Super speciality i.e. M.Ch (Neuro Surgery) or equivalent.
Three years’ experience in the concerned Super speciality (Neuro Surgery ) after obtaining the first Post-Graduate Degree.
NOTE I to NOTE VII, DUTIES, ANY OTHER CONDITIONS & HQ: Same as in Item No.1 above.
7. Post Name: Specialists
Grade-III (Burn Plastic Surgery & Reconstructive Surgery)
No .of Posts: 08
Educational Qualification:
Same as in Item No.1 above.
Post-Graduate Degree in the concerned Super Speciality i.e, M.Ch( Plastic Surgery)/M.Ch.(Burn Plastic Surgery & Reconstructive Surgery) or equivalent.
Three years’ experience in the concerned Super speciality (Burn Plastic Surgery & Reconstructive Surgery) after obtaining the first Post-Graduate Degree
NOTE I to NOTE VII, DUTIES, ANY OTHER CONDITIONS & HQ: Same as in Item No.1 above.
8. Post Name: Specialists
Grade-III ( Biochemistry)
No .of Posts: 03
Educational Qualification:
Same as in Item No.1 above.
Post-Graduate Degree in the concerned speciality i.e. M.D(Biochemistry)/M.Sc. (Medical Biochemistry)/Ph.D (Biochemistry)/D.Sc.(Bio-chemistry) or equivalent.
Three years’ experience in the concerned speciality (Biochemistry) after obtaining the first Post-Graduate Degree.
NOTE I to NOTE V,DUTIES, ANY OTHER CONDITIONS & HQ: Same as in Item No.1 above.
9. Post Name: Specialists
Grade-III (Forensic Medicine)
No .of Posts: 12
Educational Qualification:
Same as in Item No.1 above.
Post-Graduate Degree in the concerned speciality i.e. M.D(Forensic Medicine ) or equivalent
(Three years’ experience in the concerned speciality (Forensic Medicine) after obtaining the first Post-Graduate Degree.
Same as in Item No.1 above.
10. Post Name: Professor (Paediatrics)
No .of Posts: 01
Educational Qualification:
A basic University or equivalent qualification included in any one of the Schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act,1956(102 of 1956) and must be registered in a State Medical Register or Indian Medical Register.
M.D (Paediatrics) from a recognized University/Institution or equivalent.
Ten years’ experience in the profession after acquiring Post-Graduate qualification, out of which four years’ should be as Reader/Associate Professor in a Recognized Medical college/Teaching Institution.
NOTE I: The Medical qualifications possessed by the candidates should have the recognition of the Medical Council of India. In case of medical posts other than Allopathic system of medicine, the qualifications should be included in the respective Schedule of the Act governing that system of medicine. The proof thereof may be attached.
NOTE II: In so far as Post-Graduation Medical qualifications awarded by Indian Universities are concerned, they should also find a place in the Schedules to Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, as amended from time to time. In case of medical posts other than allopathic system of medicine, the qualification should be included in the respective Schedule of the Act governing that system of medicine. The proof thereof may be attached.
NOTE III: The experience gained should be recognized by the MCI or the statutory body concerned with the system of medicine as valid teaching experience for teaching posts and certificate there for or any other valid proof in support thereof should be submitted. Teaching experience in any other post like the post of General Duty Medical Officer/ Medical Officer shall not be considered for eligibility purpose for recruitment to the teaching posts.
NOTE IV: Completion of compulsory Rotating Internship Certificate, Registration Certificate, an official document showing name of College/Institution from where degree/diploma has been done and official document showing name of the University and College from where teaching experience has been gained to be furnished.
Minimum four Research Publications indexed in Index Medicus/National Journals and one Research Publication in International Journals.
The Professor (Paediatrics) will be designated as Head of the Department and his duties will be to teach the undergraduate (MBBS) and Post-graduate student, training of interns, paramedical staff and research work.
To serve in Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh.
Liable to serve in any of the Rural Health Centre of the Chandigarh Administration, if so required.
Private practice of any kind, including laboratory and consultant practice, will be strictly prohibited.
11. Post Name: Assistant Hydrologist in the Central Ground Water
Broad (CGWB)
No .of Posts: 01
Educational Qualification:
Master’s degree in Geology/Hydrology or Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent.
Two years’ practical experience in Hydrology.
Collection of hydrological data and preparation of basic Data reports. Computerization of data in Data Bank, assisting in preparation of maps and reports. Compilation of technical reports and arranging for issuance of reports. Data collections and processing for specific studies. Maintenance and updating of technical record and data in Technical Section.
12. Post Name: Training Officer (Farm Machinery)
No .of Posts: 01
Educational Qualification:
Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent; and ii) Two years’ post qualification experience in the field of agricultural Engineering/Farm machinery in a workshop engaged in Production/Maintenance/Servicing or Teaching/Training in a Technical Institute. OR B.
i) Diploma in Agricultural Engineering or Post Graduate Diploma from a recognized University/Institute or equivalent; and
ii) Five years’ post qualification experience in the field of agricultural Engineering/Farm machinery in a workshop engaged in Production/Maintenance/Servicing. OR Five years’ post qualification experience in the field of agricultural Engineering/Farm machinery in Teaching/Training in a Technical Institute. OR Five years’ post qualification experience in the field of agricultural Engineering/Farm machinery in a workshop engaged in Production/Maintenance/Servicing in Teaching/Training in a Technical Institute.
Teachers Training Diploma from Technical Teachers Training Institute under the Ministry of Human Resource Development or Instructor Training Certificate from Advance Training Institute/Central Training Institute/National Vocational Training Institute/Regional Vocational Training Institute under the Directorate General of Employment and Training, Ministry of Labour.
To conduct theory classes and practical in workshop. To maintain training records. To supervise the work of Vocational Instructor and workshop Attendant. To assist Director/Principal/Vice Principal in conducting final trade Tests and all India skill competitions and to carry out other duties assigned by them.
13. Post Name: Senior Architect in Central Design Bureau under
Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
No .of Posts: 01
Educational Qualification:
Degree in Architecture of a recognized University or equivalent ii) Ten year’s experience in the profession. iii) Should be registered with the Council of Architecture under the Architect Act, 1972.
Experience in hospital planning and supervising execution of some large hospital and/or medical projects.
To assist Chief Architect in advising Ministry of Health and other Ministries on the planning and designing of medical colleges, hospitals & ancillary buildings including quarters. To assist Chief Architect in selection of site and preparation of building programme. Responsible for preparation of lay-out plans and preliminary working and detailed drawings of buildings in consultation with the client Departments, Superintending Surveyor of Works, Electrical and Air-conditioning engineers and the Director of Horticulture, for all projects entrusted to his unit. To obtain approval of drawings from local/civic bodies and/or development authorities. To inspect buildings designed by him periodically, to ensure that the work is carried ut according to drawings and specifications. He shall be fully responsible for super vision during construction. He should explain his ideas to the Executive Engineers so that there are no deviations. To certify on completion of the building that it has been constructed according to the approved designs and specifications.
Central Design Bureau, DGHS, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
14. Post Name: Assistant Director (Safety)
No .of Posts: 01
Educational Qualification:
Degree in Electrical Engineering of a recognized University or equivalent.
Two years’ practical experience in handling various aspects of industrial safety in a factory, dock, ship or a technicalinstitution/organization.
Experience in planning, organising and coordinating of research, education and training activities pertaining to industrial safety/dock safety.
To assist in carrying out surveys and research studies in the field of industrial safety. Preparation of safety literature, conducting educational and training programmes. Dealing with matters concerned with Factories Act and Model Rules. Work in connection with the enforcement of Dock Workers (Safety, Health and Welfare) Act, 1986 and the rules and regulations framed there under. To carry out safety surveys in ports and conducting training programmes for the various levels of supervisory personnel and dock workers.
Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Kanpur and Faridabad but liable to be transferred anywhere in India.
Candidate recruited to the post will be covered by the new Contributory Pension Scheme and the candidate selected is required to join immediately.
Application Fee:
Candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs. 50/- (Rupees Fifty) only through Central Recruitment Fee Stamp.
No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates of any community. No fee exemption is available to OBC male candidates and they are required to pay the full prescribed fee.
Candidates can purchase the Central Recruitment Fee Stamp in the denomination of Rs. 50/- available in Head Post Officers, all Departmental/Post Offices (i.e. down to sub-post office level) and selected Branch Post Offices throughout the Country and affix it in the space earmarked for the purpose in the application format and get in cancelled by the Counter Clerk of the Post Office with the date stamp in such amanner that they impression cancellation stamp partially overflows on the application form itself taking care that the impression must be clear and distinct to facilitate the identification of the date of issue and issuing post offices.
Candidates applying from outside India should deposit the prescribed fee at the Office of the High Commissioner for India, or of the Indian Ambassador, or of the Government of India’s Representative abroad, as the case may be. The originalreceipt for such payment should accompany every application.
The fee sent through Money Order, Indian Postal Orders, Bank Drafts, Crossed Chques, Currency Notes and Treasury Challans will not be accepted by the Commission and such applications will be treated as without fee and will be summarily rejected.
Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstance nor can the feebe held in reserve for any other examination or selection.
Applications without the prescribed fee would not be considered and summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection would be entertained.
How To Apply:
(a) Candidates must apply in the Application Format published in the Employment News along with this advertisement. Candidates abroad may apply on plain paper but theformat should be exactly the same as published in the advertisement. Applications on formats other than the one indicated in this issue of Employment News will not be ntertained. The candidates may cut out the form of application given in this advertisement and utilize it in original. Form should be filled in with ball-point pen(to prevent spreading of ink). If need be they can get this form typed nearly on white paper of FOOLCAP SIZE( 21 cm x 30 cm) in double space on one side of paper only and fill up the columns in their own handwriting. There is no objection to candidates using a printed Application Form, if available from private agencies. They should ensure however, that its format is exactly the same as published by the Commission in their advertisement. If any wrong entries are made by the candidates in their application from on account of mistakes in the guidelines or in printing of application forms by private agencies, their applications shall be rejected and the Commission will not be responsible for such rejection. No representation against such rejection will be entertained. Application filled in on the format used for previous recruitment or some other advertisement will not be considered. The candidates should note that Application Form will NOT be supplied by the Commission’s Office.
(b) Candidates who wish to apply for more than one post should submit separate application accompanied by the prescribed fee for each post.
(c) Candidates are requested to attach with the application a self-addressed post card earing total postage worth Rs. 6.00 affixed thereon. They should indicate in this card the Advertisement No., Item No. and Name of the posts applied for. The applications will be acknowledged by the Commission by returning this card to the candidate after indicating the Registration No. allotted to the candidate. Candidates may note that no separate acknowledgement other than this card will be sent to them. If a candidate does not receive this post card within a fortnight from the last date for receipt of applications, he should make an enquiry from the Commission in writing y furnishing full details of the post for which he has sent an application
(d) (i) The completed application form must reach the Joint Secretary (Recruitment), Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan oad, New Delhi-110069 on or before 28.07.2011. ii) In respect of applications received only by post (by post/speed post/from the candidates residing in Assam , Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, agaland, Tripura, Sikkim, J&K, Sikkim, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi sub division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, A&N Islands or Lakshadweep or abroad); the last date for receipt of applications is 05.08.2011. The benefit of extended time will be available only in respect of applications received by post/speed ost from the above mentioned areas/regions. In the case of applications received by hand or through courier service, benefit of extended time will not be available regardless of the place of residence of the applicant. Candidates who are claiming the benefit of extended time should clearly indicate in a separate sheet duly authenticated by their signature, the name of the particular area or region (e.g. Assam, Meghalaya, J&K etc.) from where they have posted their application. In case they fail to do so, the benefit of extended time will not be allowed to them.
General Instructions For Filling The Application Form:
Candidates must read the details “Instructions and Additional Information to Candidates for Recruitment by Selection” before filling up PART-I and PART-II of the form. He must fill the form strictly according to the instructions.
Candidate Must Ensure That No Column Is Left Blank Or Wrongly Filled In Either Part-i Or Part-ii Of The Form As The Information Furnished Therein Would Be Used For Deciding The Eligibility And Suitability Of The Candidates For Being Called For The Interview. Applications Not Filled Correctly, Completely And As Per The Instructions In Both Part-i And Part-ii Are Liable To Be Rejected And The Onus Of Such Rejejction Would Be On The Candidate Himself/Herself. The Commission Will Not Entertain Any Claim After Such Rejection.
Important Dates:
Normal Closing Date For Receipt of Applications is: 27.10.2011
Closing Date For Receipt of Applications is: 03.11.2011
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Courtesy: upsc.gov.in