(Jobs) WBPSC: Recruitment For Various Positions in Various Department - 2012
West Bengal Public Service Commission
(Advertisement No. 2/2012)
Applications in the prescribed format given below are invited from Indian Citizens and such other nationals as are declared eligible by Govt. of India for recruitment to the under mentioned posts. The post at serial no. 3 is temporary. All other posts are temporary (likely to be permanent).
Posts Under Department of Food Processing Industries & Horticulture, Govt. of West Bengal
Director of Cinchona & Other Medicinal Plants
Total Posts: One
Pay Scale : Rs.37, 400/- - Rs.60, 000/- plus Grade Pay Rs.8,700/-
- A doctorate Degree or a First Class Master’s Degree in Botany or Chemistry.
- Five years’ experience in Research work in Botany or Chemistry corroborated by publication of paper or papers on the subjects.
- Five years’ experience either in the cultivation of medicinal plants or in the manufacture of medicinal products from Cinchona or other medicinal plants.
- Administrative Experience.
Age Limit: Not more than 45 years as on 01.01.2012, relaxable in the case of highly qualified & experienced candidates.
Assistant Director
Total Posts: 40
Pay Scale : Rs.15, 600/-Rs.42, 000/- plus Grade Pay Rs.5,400/- (PB – 4A)
- A Bachelor Degree in Horticulture/ Agriculture with Horticulture as an elective subject.
- Knowledge of Bengali written & spoken.
Age Limit: Not more than 32 years as on 01.01.2012.
System Analyst
Total Posts: Two
Pay Scale: Rs.15, 600/- Rs.42, 000/- plus Grade Pay Rs.6,600/- (PB – 4A)
- MCA / BE / B. Tech. with First Class or at least 60% marks or equivalent & specialization in Computer or Computer related areas
- M.Sc. in Computer Science with First Class or at least 60% marks or equivalent
- Five years’ experience in System analysis & Design, and independent project handling
- Two years’ experience in System analysis & Design, and independent project handling
Age Limit: Not more than 35 years as on 01.01.2012. relaxable at the discretion of the Public Service Commission, West Bengal for candidates having higher qualification and / or longer experience than those prescribed hereinabove and for persons holding substantive appointment under the Govt.
Total Posts: 5
Pay Scale: Rs.15, 600/- -Rs. 42, 000/- plus Grade Pay Rs. 5,400/-(PB –4A)
- A Second Class Master’s Degree in Geology or Applied Geology or a Diploma in Applied Geology from the Indian School of Mines & Applied Geology, Dhanbad or equivalent.
- Two years’ Field & Laboratory experience in Geohydrological Survey, Investigation & exploration.
Total Posts: 6
Pay Scale: Rs.15, 600/- -Rs. 42, 000/- plus Grade Pay Rs. 5,400/-(PB –4A)
- Second Class Master’s Degree in Chemistry or equivalent
- Two years’ experience in Water Analysis
How To Apply / Fee
Candidates must enclose with the application a fee of Rs.210/- (Rupees two hundred and ten) only by Indian Postal Order which MUST BE PURCHASED ON A DATE AFTER PUBLICATION OF THIS ADVERTISEMENT AND BEFORE THE CLOSSING DATE OF SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION and crossed and endorsed to the Secretary, Public Service Commission, West Bengal, or by a receipted Challan from a Govt. Treasury in West Bengal or the Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata under the head “0051-00-105-State PSC Examination fees-001-Examination fees-16 other fees”. The Postal Orders should be made payable at G.P.O., Kolkata. Money Order, Cheque, Bank Draft, Cash etc. will not be accepted. No application will be considered unless accompanied with the requisite application fees. Candidates belonging to S.C./S.T. of West Bengal and Persons with Disabilities specified under Persons with Disabilities Rules, 1999 are not required to pay any fee. The application of such candidates will not be accepted if the same is not accompanied with the attested copy of S.C./S.T./Persons with Disabilities certificate. Such exemption of fees is, however, not applicable to any O.B.C. (category ‘A’ or ‘B’) candidate. No claim for refund of the fee will be entertained nor will it be held in reserve for any other examination.
Applications should be sent to the Secretary, Public Service Commission, West Bengal, 161-A, S.P.Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700 026 so as to reach him on or before the closing date. Application may also be submitted personally between 11-00 a.m. and 3-30 p.m. on all working days to the above address of the Commission’s office on or before the closing date.
Two self-addressed unstamped envelopes and one self-addressed post card should be enclosed with the application.
- Closing Date : The 27th March, 2012.
Website: http://www.pscwb.org.in
Click Here For Official Notification
Courtesy : pscwb.org.in