(Notification) JKPSC: Civil Service (Judicial) Competitive Examination - 2012
J&K Civil Service (Judicial) Examination
Name of the Government Organization: Jammu & Kashmir PSC (J&K PSC)
Civil Service (Judicial) Competitive Examination
Number of Positions: 65Eligibility Conditions:
- must be a permanent resident of the State;
- must have attained the age of 21 years but must have not crossed the age of 35 years
- must hold a Bachelor’s degree of a recognized University in India or of a foreign University declared by Government in consultation with the Commission to be equivalent to the degree of a recognized Indian University.
- Provided that the candidates who have appeared fully in the above examination on or before the last date for receipt of application forms for Preliminary Examination for such degree from any such University the passing of which would render them eligible to appear in the examination but the result of their examination has not been declared, shall be allowed to appear in the preliminary examination.
- All such candidates who are declared qualified by the Commission for taking the Combined Competitive (Main) Examination shall have to produce proof of passing such examination with their applications for the Main Examination failing which such candidates shall not be admitted to the Main Examination
How to apply:
- Since the Application Form (OMR) is to be electronically scanned, due care should be taken while handling and filling in the Application Form neatly and correctly.
- The candidate should fill in the data/information at relevant spaces of the Acknowledgement Card, along with his Form Number and the name of the examination.
- One recently captured passport size photograph of the candidate, duly attested by a Gazetted Officer should be firmly pasted at the space provided in the Application Form.
Age Limit: 21 to 35 years
Application Fee:
Rupees Eight Hundred only (Rs. 800/- (inclusive of service charges by the Bank) for Open Merit/General Category Candidates. Rupees Five hundred and fifty only (Rs. 550/- inclusive of service charges by the Bank) for SC, ST, RBA, ALC, Social Caste (SOC) and Physically Challenged (PHC) category candidates
Important Dates:
Last Date to Apply: 15th
May 2012.
Sale of Application Forms:
12 April 2012.
Date of Preliminary Examination (In two Sessions):
05 August 2012
Date of Commencement of Main Examination:
15 February 2013
Website: http://www.jkpsc.nic.in.
Courtesy: jkpsc.nic.inNEW! ONLINE PDF COURSE