(Jobs) UPSC : Recruitment of Various Posts For Various Department | Advt No. 07/2013
Union Public Service Commission
ADVT NO.07/2013
Invites Online Recruitment Applications (ORA*)For Recruitment By Selection To The Following Posts
Vacancy No. 13050701525
One Assistant Professor (Mechanical Engineering) in Electronics and Mechanical Engineers School (EME), Vadodara, Directorate General of EME,Ministry of Defence. The post is Unreserved. The post is suitable for PhysicallyChallenged Persons with disability viz. Blindness or Low Vision i.e. Blind (B) orPartially Blind (PB) or Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/CerebralPalsy with Both Legs Affected but not arms (BL) or One Leg Affected (Right or Left) (OL) or One Arm Affected (Right or Left) (OA).
Age (As on Closing Date): Not exceeding 40 years
Pay Scale: Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.6,600 (Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.39,960/-)
Essential : Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent
Experience : Five years experience in teaching in educational institutions at Degree level or research or development experience in the area of specialization.
Desirable : Doctorate Degree in the Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent.
Vacancy No. 13050702425
Thirteen Senior Administrative Officer Grade-I in Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Ministry of Defence. Of the thirteen posts, one post is reserved for Scheduled Castes candidates, three posts are reserved for OtherBackward Classes candidates and remaining nine posts are Unreserved. The postsare suitable for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. OrthopaedicallyHandicapped/Locomotor Disability/ Cerebral Palsy with One Leg Affected (Right orLeft) (OL) or One Arm Affected (Right or Left) (OA).
Age (As on Closing Date): Not exceeding 40 years
Pay Scale: Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.6,600 (Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.39,960/-)
Essential : Educational - Degree of a recognized University
Experience : Six years'administrative experience in a Government or Semi Government Organisation orCommercial Organisation of repute.
Desirable : (i) Diploma in Personnel Management from a recognized Institution.
(ii) Working Experience in Scientific orIndustrial or Technical organization or Departments
Vacancy No. 13050703425)
Nine Senior Administrative Officer Grade-II in Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Ministry of Defence. Of the nine posts, one post each is reserved for Scheduled Castes & Other Backward Classes Candidates and remaining seven posts are Unreserved. Of the nine posts, one post is reserved for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One Leg Affected (Right orLeft) (OL) or One Arm Affected (Right or Left) (OA). The posts are also suitable forPhysically Challenged Persons i.e. disability viz. Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One Leg Affected (Right orLeft) (OL) or One Arm Affected (Right or Left) (OA).
Age (As on Closing Date) : Not exceeding 35 years
Pay Scale: Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.5,400 (Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.37,800/-)
Essential : Educational - Degree of a recognized University
Experience : Three years' experience of Administration, Establishment and Accounts work.
Desirable : (i) Diploma in Personnel Management or Industrial Relation from a recognized Institution
(ii) Working Experience in Scientific or Industrial or Technical organizationor Departments
Vacancy No. 13050704325
One Lecturer Mathematics in Directorate General of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering (EME), Ministry of Defence. The post is Unreserved. The post is suitable for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Blindness or Low Vision i.e. Partially Blind (PB) or Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with Both Legs Affected but not arms (BL) or One Leg Affected (Right or Left) (OL) or One Arm Affected (Right or Left) (OA).
Age (As on Closing Date) : Not exceeding 35 years
Pay Scale: Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.5,400 (Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.37,800/-)
Essential : Educational - Master's Degree in Mathematics from a recognized university or equivalent
Experience : Three years experience in teaching in educational institutions at Degree level or three years research or development experience in the area of specialization.
Desirable : Doctorate Degree in the Mathematics from a recognized university or equivalent.
Vacancy No. 13050705325
One Lecturer Physics in Directorate General of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering (EME), Ministry of Defence. The post is exclusively reserved for Other Backward Classes Candidates. The post is suitable for Physically Challenged Personswith disability viz. Blindness or Low Vision i.e. Partially Blind (PB) or Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with Both Legs Affected but notarms (BL) or One Leg Affected (Right or Left) (OL) or One Arm Affected (Right or Left) (OA).
Age (As on Closing Date) : Not exceeding 35 years
Pay Scale: Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.5,400 (Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.37,800/-)
Essential : Educational - Master's Degree in Physics from a recognized university or equivalent.
Experience : : Three years experience in teaching in educational institutions at Degree level or three years research or development experience in the area of specialization
Desirable : Doctorate Degree in the Physics from a recognized university or equivalent.
Vacancy No. 13050706225
One Junior Research Officer (Tibetan) in Signal Intelligence Directorate, Army Headquarters, Ministry of Defence. The post is exclusively reserved for Scheduled Castes Candidates. The post is suitable for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Visually Handicapped persons i.e. Blind (B) or Partially Blind (PB) or Hearing Impaired i.e. Deaf (D) or Partially Deaf (PD) or Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy i.e. One Leg Affected (Right or Left) (OL)/One Arm Affected (Right or Left) (OA).
Age (As on Closing Date) : Not exceeding 35 years
Pay Scale: Rs.9,300-34,800 (PB-2) + Rs.4,800 (Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.25,380/-)
Essential : Educational - (i) Master's Degree in Mathematics/Statistics or Mathematical Statistics/Electronics/ Computer Science from a recognized University or equivalent.
(ii) Diploma/ Interpretership in Tibetan
Experience : Two years' research experience in Mathematics or Mathematical Statistics/Computer programming or in work involving application on Theory of Numbers or Groups.
Vacancy No. 13050707425
Forty-five Stores Officer in Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Ministry of Defence. Of the forty-five posts, seven posts are reserved for Scheduled Castes Candidates, three posts reserved for Scheduled Tribes Candidates, eleven posts are reserved for Other Backward Classes Candidates and remaining twenty four posts are Unreserved. Of the forty-five posts, two posts are reserved for Physically Challenged Persons i.e. one post with disability of Hearing Impairment i.e. Partially Deaf (PD) and one post for Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One Leg Affected (Right or Left) (OL). The posts are also suitable for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Hearing Impairment i.e. Partially Deaf (PD) or Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One Leg Affected (Right or Left) (OL).
Age (As on Closing Date) : Not exceeding 30 years
Pay Scale: Rs.9,300-34,800 (PB-2) + Rs.4,600 (Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.25,020/-)
Essential : Educational - Degree of a recognized university
Experience :Three years experience in a Government or semi-Government Office or in a private concern of repute in indenting purchases maintenance of technical Stores or accounts.
Vacancy No. 13050708525
Seven Meteorologist Grade-II (Agriculture) in Office of the Director General of Meteorology, India Meteorological Department, Ministry of Earth Sciences. Of the seven posts, one post each is reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Candidates, two posts are reserved for Other Backward Classes Candidates and remaining three posts are Unreserved. The posts are suitable for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Hearing Impairment i.e. Partially Deaf (PD) or Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One Leg Affected (Right or Left) (OL) or One Arm Affected (Right or Left) (OA)
Age (As on Closing Date) : Not exceeding 28 years
Pay Scale: Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.5,400 (Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.37,800/-)
Essential : Educational - Master's Degree in Agriculture or Agriculture Meteorology or Agricultural Physics from a recognized University/Institution
Desirable : Knowledge of German, French or Russian (can read and write).
Vacancy No. 13050709625
Two Meteorologist Grade-II (Civil Engineering) in Office of the Director General of Meteorology, India Meteorological Department, Ministry of Earth Sciences. Of the two posts, one post is reserved for Other Backward Classes Candidates and remaining one post is Unreserved. The posts are suitable for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Hearing Impairment i.e. Partially Deaf (PD) or Orthopaedically Handicapped/ Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One Leg Affected (Right or Left) (OL) or One Arm Affected (Right or Left) (OA).
Age (As on Closing Date) : Not exceeding 28 years
Pay Scale: Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.5,400 (Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.37,800/-)
Essential : Educational - Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University/Institution.
Desirable : Knowledge of German, French or Russian (can read and write).
Vacancy No. 13050710625
Seven Meteorologist Grade-II (Computer Science & Engineering) in Office of the Director General of Meteorology, India Meteorological Department, Ministry of Earth Sciences. Of the seven posts, one post is reserved for Scheduled Castes Candidates, two posts are reserved for Other Backward Classes Candidates and remaining four posts are Unreserved. The posts are suitable for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Hearing Impairment i.e. Partially Deaf (PD) or Orthopaedically Handicapped/ Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One Leg Affected (Right or Left) (OL) or One Arm Affected (Right or Left) (OA).
Age (As on Closing Date) : Not exceeding 28 years
Pay Scale: Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) + Rs.5,400 (Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.37,800/-)
Essential : Educational :Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from a recognized University/Institution.
Desirable : Knowledge of German, French or Russian (can read and write).
Application Fee:
Candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs. 25/- (Rupees Twenty five) only either by remitting the money in any branch of the SBI by cash or by using net
banking facility of the SBI or by using visa/master credit/debit card. -
No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates of any community. No "fee exemption" is available to OBC male candidates and they are required to pay the full prescribed fee.
Applications without the prescribed fee would not be considered and summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection would be entertained.
Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstance nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.
How To Apply:
Candidates must apply online through the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in . Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected.
Candidates who wish to apply for more than one post should apply separately for each post and pay the fee for each post in the prescribed manner.
After submitting the Online Recruitment Application (ORA), the candidates are required to take out a print out of the finally submitted Online Recruitment Application.
Candidates are not required to submit to the Commission either by post or by hand the printouts of their online applications or any other document. They will be required to bring along with them the printouts of their online applications and the documents mentioned in para 7 below if called for interview.
If the applicant is claiming any experience, then he/she has to personally upload his/her experience certificate in a single pdf file in such a way that the size file does not exceed 2 MB and is legible when a printout taken. For that the applicant may scan the experience certificate in 200 dpi grey scale.
The applicants are advised to submit only single Online Recruitment Application for each post; however, if somehow, if he/she submits multiple Online Recruitment Applications for one post, then he/she must ensure that Online Recruitment Application with the higher "Application Number" is complete in all respects including fee. The applicants, who submit multiple Online Recruitment Applications, should note that only the Online Recruitment Application with higher "Application Number" shall be entertained by the Commission and fee paid against one "Application Number" shall not be adjusted against any other "Application Number".
The candidates are advised to submit the Online Recruitment Application well in advance without waiting for the closing date.
Important Dates:
Closing Date Of Online Recruitment Application Printout/ Hard Copy Of (ORA) Through ORA Website : 13-06-2013
Last Date For Receipt Of Online Recruitment Application Printout/ Hard Copy Along With Copy Of Specified Documents: 14.06.2013
Courtesy : Union Public Service Commission