NEW! The Gist (AUG-24) | E-BOOKS
(JOBS) Goa Public Service Commission : Advertisement No. 3/2012
Applications are invited by the Commission for the below mentioned posts. The last date for receipt of applications in the office of the Commission is 03.05.2012
1. Lecturer in SurgeryNumber of Positions: 3
Eligibility Conditions:
- A recognised Medical qualification included in the First or the Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions stipulated in Section 13 (3) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956
- Post Graduate degree qualification in the speciality concerned or equivalent..
- At least 3 years teaching experience in the concerned speciality as Senior Resident/Registrar/ Tutor/Demonstrator in a Medical College/Teaching Institution.
- Knowledge of Konkani
Pay Scale: Rs.15,600-39,100+6,600 /-
Age: Not exceeding 45 years
2. Assistant Lecturer in Anaesthesiology
Number of Positions: 2
Eligibility Conditions:
- A recognized Medical qualification included in the First or Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (other than Licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions stipulated in sub- section (3) of Section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
- Knowledge of Konkani..
- Registered for Post-Graduate Degree in concerned speciality..
- Knowledge of Marathi
Pay Scale: Rs.15,600-39,100+5,400/-
Age: Not exceeding 40 years
3. Resident Pathologist
Number of Positions: 1
Eligibility Conditions:
- A Medical qualification included in the First or the Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (other than Licentiate qualification) to the Indian Medical Act, 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions stipulated in section 13(3) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956
- 2 years experience in clinical laboratory of the hospital attached to medical college.
- Knowledge of Konkani..
Pay Scale: Rs.15,600-39,100+5,400/-
Age: Not exceeding 40 years
4. Lecturer in Public Health Dentistry
Number of Positions: 2
Eligibility Conditions:
- A qualification included in Part I or Part II of the Schedule to the Dentists Act, 1948 (16 of 1948)
- Post-Graduate qualification in Dentistry i.e. Master of Dental Surgery in concerned speciality/subject from a recognized Institution or equivalent..
- Should be registered with Dental Council.
- Three years experience as Registrar/Tutor/Senior Resident/Demonstrator in the concerned Speciality of Dentistry in a recognized Dental College /Medical College with Dental Wing/Dental Institution.
- Knowledge of Konkani.
Pay Scale: Rs.15,600-39,100+5,400/-
Age: Not exceeding 40 years
5. Junior Radiologist
Number of Positions: 2
Eligibility Conditions:
- A recognized Medical qualification included in the First or Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (other than Licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. (102 of 1956) Holders of educational qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions stipulated in sub-section (3) of section 13 of the said Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
- Post-graduate degree, failing which post-graduate diploma, in the speciality concerned.
- In case of Diploma holders, work in responsible position connected with the speciality concerned for 2 years after post graduation Diploma...
- Knowledge of Konkani.
- Knowledge of Marathi.
Pay Scale: Rs.15,600-39,100+5,400/-.
Age: Not exceeding 40 years
6. Insurance Medical Officer
Number of Positions: 3
Eligibility Conditions:
- A Medical qualification included in the First or the Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (other than Licentiate qualification) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should fulfill the conditions stipulated in Section 13 (3) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 or degree of Goa Medical School.
- Completion of compulsory rotatory internship.
- At least 3 years experience in the Administration of Medical Care
- Knowledge of Konkani.
- Knowledge of Marathi.
- Experience in the general Medicine Practice.
Pay Scale: Rs.15,600-39,100+5,400/-.
Age: Not exceeding 40 years
7. Professors
i) Mechanical Engineering - 2 Posts
ii) Computer Engineering - 1 Post
iii) Electronics & Telecommunication - 2 Posts
iv) Electrical & Electronics - 1 Post
Eligibility Conditions:
- Ph.D. Degree with First Class Degree at Master’s or Bachelor’s level in the appropriate branch of Engineering/Technology
- 10 years experience in Teaching/Industry/Research in the appropriate branch of Engineering out of which 5 years must be at the level of Assistant Professor and/or equivalent
- Knowledge of Konkani.
Pay Scale: Rs.37,400-67,000+ 10,000/-.
Age: Not exceeding 50 years