(Current Affairs) Economy & Energy | October : 2012
Economy & Energy
- 50% Diesel Subsidy to farmers
- Patented Drug Prices to be Linked with Per-capita Income
- ONGC strikes oil off the West Coast
- 49 Percent FDI in Insurance and Pension Sector
- 7 Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) to start Operation in India
- India’s Exports declined to 22.4 Billion Dollar
- CLB stays the auction of Uninor
- Two subsidiaries of Air India: AIESL and AITSL
- Rs 808 crore FDI proposal by Cloverdell cleared
- Textiles Ministry sets $40 billion export target
- Call for Deterrent Penal Provisions against Units in SEZs
- Panel Findings & Recommendations
- India Registered 2.1 Percent growth in Foreign Tourist Arrivals
- NBFC-MFI norms modified
- Moody’s cut India’s Growth Forecast to 5.5 Percent
- SEBI allowed Partial Flexibility in IDRs
- RBI transferred a Surplus of Rs 16010 crore
- StanChart to pay $340 m to New York regulator
- External Overseas Borrowing Rules eased
- Advantages for Lower-rated Companies
- Fitch revised the Indian Retail Sector Outlook to Negative
- Assumptions