Mind Maps for UPSC Public Administration (Bureaucracy and Development)
Mind Maps for UPSC Public Administration (Bureaucracy and Development)
Study Kit for Public Administration for IAS Mains Exams
Online Crash Course for Public Administration Mains Examination
Mind Map Important Topics:
Bureaucracy and Development:
1.1. Weber on Bureaucracy vis-a-vis Democracy
- 1.1.1. democratic movements demanded recruitment to public services based on merit, rather than personal or political considerations
- 1.1.2. bureaucratization which he regarded as unavoidable consequence of democratic growth
- 1.1.3. democracy has to promote what reason demands and democratic sentiments hate.
1.2. Concept
- 1.2.1. antithetical approaches to providing governance for a society
- 1.2.2. both paradoxical and complementary
- 1.2.3. The bureaucracy has become an important locus for public involvement and for democracy.
1.3. Marxists
- 1.3.1. transfer of administrative power to a special stratum of experts, are a definite challenge to democratic principles
- 1.3.2. final goal is the elimination of bureaucracy
1.4. Palombara
- 1.4.1. extent of bureaucracy’s power may be checked by such factors as increased literacy, strong traditional institutions, and strong social elites
1.5. Riggs
- 1.5.1. development of a middle class as a vital means of limiting bureaucratic power in favour of democratic development
1.6. Eva Etzioni-Halevy’s Thesis
- 1.6.1. an intrinsic connection between bureaucracy and democracy, although it is of paradoxical or self- contradictory nature
- 1.6.2. democracy poses a dilemma for bureaucracy
- 1.6.3. ambiguity of the role definition of bureaucracy is the source of considerable strain, friction and even conflict
- 1.6.4. Safeguards against Bureaucratic Threat to Democracy
- Representative Bureaucracy
- Balanced Bureaucracy
- Participatory Bureaucracy