Mind Maps for UPSC Public Administration (Public-Private Partnerships)
Mind Maps for UPSC Public Administration (Public-Private Partnerships)
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Mind Map Important Topics:
Public - Private Partnerships:
- Delivery of quality services that provides Value for Money
- New options for public sector finances
- Utilization of private sector expertise and efficiency in delivery of public services
- Risk transfer
- Performance standards and competition
- Maintains value of public assets-whole-life
What is not a PPP
- A PPP is not a simple outsourcing of functions
- A PPP is not a donation by a private party for a public good
- A PPP is not the ‘commercialization’ of a public function
- A PPP does not constitute borrowing by the state
Types of PPP
- Services Contract
- Management Contract
- Lease contract
- Concessions
- Joint Venture
- Build Operate Transfer (BOT)
- Characteristics of BOT
- Design Build
- Build Transfer Operate
- Build-Own-Operate
- Design-Build Operate
- Design Build Finance Operate
- Build- Operate- Transfer
PPP Models Supported by the Government
- User-Fee Based BOT models
- Annuity Based BOT models
- Modified Design-Build (Turnkey) Contracts
- Performance Based Management! Maintenance contracts