(Syllabus) MPSC Forest Services Examination

(Syllabus) MPSC Forest Services Examination

Mains Exam Syllabus:

Paper - I: General Studies

  • History of India with emphasis on that of Maharashtra
  • Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India and the World. Emphasis on that of Maharashtra
  • Indian polity and Governance. Constitution and Political System, Rural and Urban local self Government
  • Economic and Social Development

General Science & Nature Conservation

Sr. No Topics
1) General Science (Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology)
2) Nature Conservation


1 Soils: - Physical, chemical and biological properties. Processes and factors of

soil  formation.  Mineral  and  organic  constituents  of  soil  and  their  role  in maintaining soil productivity. Soil profile. Problem soils and their reclamation.

2 Soil and moisture conservation:- Causes of soil erosion, method of control,

role of forest, characteristics of and steps in Watershed Management.



1 Eco Systems: - Types, food chain, food web, ecological pyramids, energy flow, biogeochemical cycle of carbon and nitrogen.
2 Manures and Fertilizers:- Types, organic – inorganic.
3 Diseases and pests of plants and animals.
4 Pesticides and insecticides.
5 Injurious plants and weeds.


1 Environmental   Pollution:-   Types,   control,   bio-indicators,   endangered


2 Environmental problems related to quarrying and mining.
3 Greenhouse effect, Carbon trading, Climate Change.


1 Important wild animals of India.
2 Breeds of cattle, Economics of fodder and pasture of grassland management.


1 Important indigenous trees species of India, exotic plants, plants as a source of

forest products such as food, fibre, fuel wood, timber, non-timber, forest produce/minor forest produce. Medicinal plants, Energy plantations, Mangroves, Forest based industries.

2 Factors effecting growth and distribution of plants.  Forest types of India.


1 National parks and Sanctuaries, World heritage sites.
2 Social forestry, Joint Forest Management, Agro forestry.
3 Indian  forest  policy,  Indian  Forest  Act,  Wild  Life  Protection  Act,  Forest

Conservation Act, 1980.

4 National and International Organization working for nature conservation.


1 Use of aerial photographs, thematic maps. Satellite imageries, Principle and

application of GIS.

2 Biodiversity,  causes  of  loss  of  biodiversity,  importance  of  biodiversity


3 Plants breeding, tissue culture. Tribal’s and forests. Important tribes of India.

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