UPSC: NDA/NA (I) Examination 2012 - Fee Structure
National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (I), 2012
Fee Details
Candidates (excepting SC/STcandidates/ Sons of JCOs/NCOs/ORs specified in Note 2 below who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs. 50/- (Rupees Fifty only) either by remitting the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of State Bank of India/ State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur/Sate Bank of Hyderabad/State Bank of Mysore/ State Bank of Patiala / State Bank of Travancore or by using Visa/Master Credit/ Debit Card.
For the applicants in whose case payments details have not been received from the bank they wil l be treated as fictitious payment cases and a list of all such applicants shall be made available on the Commission website within two weeks after the last day of submission of online application. These applicants shall also be intimated through e-mail to submit copy of proof of their payment to the Commission at the address mentioned in the e- ail. The applicant shall be required to submit the proof within 10 days from the date of such communication either by hand or by speed post to the Commission. Incase, no response is received from the applicants their applications shall be summarily rejected and no further correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.
NOTE-1: Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and those specified in Note 2 below are not required to pay any fee. No fee exemption is, however, available to OBC candidates and they are required to pay the full prescribed fee.
NOTE-2: The sons of serving/ex-Junior Commissioned Officers /Non-Commissioned Officers/Other Ranks of Army and equivalent ranks in the Indian Navy/Indian Air Force are also not required to pay the prescribed fee if they are studying in Military School (formerly known as King George's School ) / Sainik School run by Sainik Schools Society. [Note: A certificate of eligibility for fee exemption is required to be obtained by all such candidates from the Principals concerned individually and produced for verification at the time of SSB Test/Interview by the candidates who are declared qualified for the SSB Test/Interview.]
NOTE-3: No claim for a refund of fee once paid to the Commission will be entertained nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.