(News) CAT refuses plea for compassionate appointment

CAT refuses plea for compassionate appointment
Central Administrative Tribunal has refused to interfere with
the decision of the UPSC to defer the appointment of a person on
compassionate ground saying it suffered from no legal infirmity.
The Tribunal passed the order on a plea of one Mohan Singh,
whose father was an UPSC employee, seeking directions to the
Commission to make his compassionate appointment expeditiously.
"The applicant's prayer in relation to impugned intimation
(relating to consideration of his name for compassionate
appointment) conveyed to him is misconceived as it relates to
furnishing of information under the RTI Act, which is devoid of
any legal infirmity based on which it can be quashed," the
Tribunal, comprising Member D P Sharma, said.
It noted that the the Compassionate Appointment Committee had
considered Singh's name against such vacancies.
Courtesy: PTI