(Success Story) Maniram Sharma IAS, The Deaf Candidate Get Into IAS After 15 Years Old Battle For Justice
Maniram Sharma, The Deaf Candidate Get Into IAS After 15 Years Old Battle For Justice
Sharma has won a 15-year-old battle for justice. On Thursday, this deaf IAS
candidate learnt he has made it to the service.
With this, Maniram has not just won a personal battle but a milestone victory for disabled persons like him who have been kept away from the premier government service.
Maniram's case has been highlighted by TOI over the past couple of years — how his efforts were thwarted on one ground or the other, till he finally went through surgery to make his aided hearing so good that he gave his IAS interview this time by the oral question-and-answer method. Despite this, his induction into the service was just not happening.
While other successful candidates got their call on August 17, he didn't. Finally, on September 3 he was informed that he had cleared the exam on all counts but still had to wait for another month to get his appointment. ``I still can't believe it has happened. It has not sunk in. After suffering so many disappointments, it's difficult to imagine it has actually come true,'' Maniram told TOI.
Maniram's IAS saga began in 1995 when he failed in his first attempt to clear the preliminary examination. He was then 100% deaf. Since then he has cleared the exam three times — 2005, 2006 and 2009. In 2006, he was told he could not be allotted the IAS as only the partially deaf were eligible, not fully deaf persons like him. So, he was allotted the Post and Telegraph Accounts and Finance Service.
Courtesy:- Times of India