NICL-GIC : Re Written Exam of Administrative Officer held on 08.09.2013
Re: Written Examination held on 08/09/2013 for the post of Administrative Officer (AO)
Consequent upon holding of the Recruitment Examination on 8th September, 2013 for the post of Administrative Officer (both Generalist & Specialist disciplines), the management of 4 Public Sector General Insurance Companies had received complaints and representations from various quarters alleging occurrence of incidents that were apprehended to prejudice the interests of some bonafide candidates. On receipt of these representations/complaints, the management had constituted a Fact Finding Committee, headed by a retired General Manager of one of the Public Sector General Insurance Companies to verify the veracity of the allegations after examining the facts, circumstances and evidences collected by them in this regard. After examining the matter in totality, the committee came to conclusion that disruption of examination in 4 centres in Patna city was an incident in itself that was apprehended to have vitiated the sanctity of examination held at other centres also. Hence, for the purpose of fairness and natural justice it has been decided to declare the said examination as invalid.
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Courtesy :NICL