(Study Material) The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) - "Geography"

The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Study Material for IAS Exam

:: Geography ::

Sr. Secondary Courses:

English Medium

Book 1

Module 1: The Study of Geography as a Discipline

Module 2: Changing Face of the Earth

Module 3: The Domain of the Water on the Earth

Module 4: The Domain of Air on the Earth

Module 5: The Domain of Life on the Earth

Book 2

Module 6: The Physical setting of India

Module 7: Natural resource and their Development in India

Module 8: Economic Activities and Infrastructural development in India

Module 9: Human Resource Development in India

Book 3

Module 10A: Local area Planning

Module 10B: Geography of Tourism in India

Questions for Practice

Sample Question Paper (With QP Design)

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Courtesy: The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)

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