(Study Material) The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) - "Physics"
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) Study Material for IAS Exam
:: Physics ::
Sr. Secondary:
Module 1: Motion, Force and Energy
- Units, Dimensions and Vectors
- Motion in a Straight Line
- Laws of Motion
- Motion in a Plane
- Gravitation
- Work, Energy and Power
- Motion of a Rigid Body
Module 2: Mechanics of Solids and Fluids
- Elastic Properties of Solids
- Properties of Fluids
Module 3: Thermal Physics
- Kinetic Theory of Gases
- Thermodynamics
- Heat Transfer and Solar Energy
Module 4: Oscillations and Waves
- Simple Harmonic Motion
- Wave Phenomena
Module 5: Electricity and Magnetism
- Electric Charge and Electric Field
- Electric Potential and Capacitors
- Electric Current
- Magnetism and Magnetic Effect of Electric Current
- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
Module 6: Optics and Optical Instruments
- Reflection and Refraction of Light
- Dispersion and Scattering of light
- Wave Phenomena and Light
- Optical Instruments
Module 7: Atoms and Nuclei
- Structure of Atom
- Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
- Nuclei and Radioactivity
- Nuclear Fission and Fusion
Module 8: Atoms and Nuclei
- Semiconductors and Semiconducting Devices
- Applications of Semiconductor Devices
- Communication Systems
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Courtesy: The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
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