Recruitment of Stenographers at UPSC: Oct., 2011
Union Public Service Commission
Stenographers Limited Departmental Competitive Exam - 2009
All communications should be addressed to the Secretary, Union Public Service Commission. In every communication in respect of his application the candidate should clearly state the name of the Examination viz, Combined S.O.s’/Stenographers’ (Grade ‘B’/Grade-I) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination , 2009. Application Regn. No./Roll Number or the date of birth of candidate if the Application Regn. No./Roll Number has not been communicated and his name (in full and in Block Capitals) and complete Postal address as given in the application.
No.9/2/2011-EI(B)- A Combined Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for additions in the Select List for the year 2009 for the Section Officers’ Grade and Stenographers’ Grade I/Grade ‘B’ of the Services mentioned in Para 2 below will be held by the Union Public Service Commission commencing on the 26th. December, 2011 at CHENNAI, DELHI, KOLKATA MUMBAI and NAGPUR in accordance with the Rules published by the Department of Personnel and Training in the Gazette of India dated the 1st October,, 2011.
How To Apply
The prescribed form of application and full particulars of the examination will be available on the website of the Commission ( The application form may be downloaded from the website of the Commission and may be used. Even photocopy of the downloaded form can be used for the purpose of making an application for this examination. However, in case of unavailability of downloadable form for any technical reasons, the candidates are advised to contact Under Secretary[E.VI] at telephone number 011-23387502
The Completed application forms must reach the Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110069.
- Last Date: 31st October, 2011.
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