(Download) IAS (Main) General Studies (History) Sample Paper: 2011
Union Public Service Commission
IAS Main General Studies History Sample Paper
1. Answer the following (in about 250 words for each
(a) “The romance is that there is security of life and property in India,
The reality is that there is no such thing. To millions in India life is simply
“half-feeding or starvation of famines and disease” Examine the statement.
(b) Do you think that partition of India was inevitable? Discuss the back ground
which lead to the partition.
2. Answer any two of the following in about 150 words each
(a) Do you think that revolt of 1857 was inherent in constitution of
company’s rule?
(b) “The British policy after 1857 was characterised by elements of caution and
conservatism” Discuss.
(c) Do you agree with the view that socioreligious reform moments created the
space for nationalistic thinking.
(a) Is it correct to say that Independence of India in 1947 was more the result of British weakness than the strength of Indian nationalism? Critically analyse.
(b) Having won political freedom is not enough India have to win economic and cultural freedom, Comment?
(c) Write the factors and forces responsible for the rise of revolutionary terrorism in India.
4. Answer any two of the following about 150 words
(a) Gandhi restrained mass movement yet he
retained his popularity among the masses.
How do you explain this paradox.
(b) Analyse the main factors responsible for civil
disobedience movement. How far its aim were
realised by the government of India Act 1935?
(c) Do you think it is correct to say that Quit
India Movement sealed the fate of British
rule in India analyse.
5. Write brief but precise note on any six of the
following your answer should not exceed 50 words
in each case
(a) Lalit Kala Akademi
(b) Kathakali
(c) National School of Drama
(d) Archaeological Survey of India
(e) National Mission for Manuscripts
(f) National Mission on Monuments and anti
(g) Difference between Gharanas and Sampradayas.
6. Answer any three of the following in about 150
words each
(a) Explain the essential features of Ryotwari
Settlement of land revenue.
(b) “Absentee Landlordism was a consequences
feature of permanent land settlement” Do
you agree?
(c) What do you mean by commercialization of
India Agriculture during British time.
Discuss its consequences?
(d) Discuss the factors that lead to the decline of
Indian Handicrafts, during British rule.
7. Answer any five of the following in about 150
words each
(a) Examine the essential principles of the
subsidiary alliance system How far did it
contribute in making the British company
supreme sovereign Power in India?
(b) Assess the Contribution of Lord William
Bentick in Indian history?
(c) Is it correct to say that 19th century Socioreligious
reform movements were religious
in character and nationalistic in content.
(d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the father of
Modern India, Discuss.
(e) “Educational reforms introduced in India was
the product of British colonial need, Examine.
(f) Discuss the nature and character of various peasant and tribal movements
during British rule.
8. Answer each of the following, briefly but precisely. Each answer should
be less than 50 words
(a) Trace the origin of Swaraj Party.
(b) What was the MacDonald Award?
(c) Main feature of the Act of 1935.
(d) August offer.
(e) Partition of Bengal 1905.
(f) Morley-Minto reform.
9. Write brief notes on each of the following in about 20 words each
(a) Sabarmati Ashram
(b) Satyashodak Samaj
(c) Sunga Art.
(d) Mathura School of Art
(e) Gandharva Art
(f) Vijayanagar Art
(g) Carnatic Music
(h) Hindustani Music
10. Write Brief notes on each of the following personalities of the Indian
national movement.Each answer should not exceed of 20 words.
(a) John Simon
(b) Madan Lal Dhingra
(c) Muzaffar Ahamed
(d) Khudiram Bose
(e) Shubash Chandra Bose
(f) Rabindra Nath Tagore
(g) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(h) Bal Gangadhar Tila.