(Download) IAS (Main) General Studies (India & The World) Sample Paper: 2011
Union Public Service Commission
IAS Main General Studies India & The World Sample Paper
1. Answer the following (in about 250 words for each answer) 20×2=40
(a) What do you understand by convention on Supplementary Compensation for
Nuclear Damage? Why this Convention is important for Indo U.S. relations?
(b) Bring out the fishing conflict in Indo Sri Lankan waters. Trace the origin
of Katchatheevu island dispute between India and Sri Lanka.
2. Answer any two of the following in about 150 words each: 12×2=24
(a) Zangmu project and Sino-Indian relations.
(b) The Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline (TAP) or
Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline.
(c) What is a hot line Commission System? Bring out the Countries with which
India has hot line communication system.
3. Answer any two of the following in about 150 words each: 12×2=24
(a) What do you understand by Kishenganga dispute? Bring out the current
status of Kishenganga dispute?
(b) Bring out the salient features of Comprehensive Economic Partnership
Agreement (CEPA) with Japan.
(c) Discuss Indo Russia relation with reference to nuclear agreement.
4. Answer the following in about 150 words each: 12×2=24
(a) Write about India-France Civil nuclear deal and bring out the
Significance of this deal.
(b) Write a short note on prime minister’s Global Advisory Council of oversees
5. Write brief but precise notes on any six of the following your answer
should not exceed 50 words in each case.
(a) India-U.S. Shale gas exploration initiatives.
(b) Global INK.
(c) Green Politics.
(d) NSG.
(e) Pravasi Bharatiya Divas.
(f) Indian Community Welfare Fund.
(g) Back channel diplomacy.
6. Answer the following in about 150 words each: 12×3=36
(a) US-India Economic and Financial Partnership.
(b) Indo-Canadian Cooperation in the atomic sector.
(c) The Indus Waters Treaty.
7. Answer any five of the following in about 150 words each.
(a) SAARC Food Bank.
(b) Write a brief account on National Security Strategy 2010 of the U.S. and its
relationship with India.
(c) SAARC Development fund.
(d) The Pan-African E-network project for Telemedicine.
(e) Mc Mahon Line and Indo-Chinese relation.
(f) South Asian University.
8. Answer each of the following briefly but precisely. Each answer should
be lern than 50 words. 5×6=30
(a) Significance of Indian’s membership with SCO.
(b) Obama-Singh 21st century knowledge Initiative.
(c) Water Wars.
(d) HTCG.
(e) Indo-Bangladesh relations.
(f) India-Vietnam relations.
9. Write brief notes on each of the following in about 20 words each:
(a) OIFC.
(b) Global INK.
(c) OCI.
(d) KIP.
(e) SPDC.
(f) SSA.
(g) OWRC.
(h) ICWF.
10. Write brief notes on each of the following. Each answer should not
exceed 20 words each. 2×8=16
(a) ICOE
(b) ICWA.
(c) ICCR.
(d) Public diplomacy
(e) Disarmament and International Security Affairs.
(f) India-West Asia.
(g) India- UN.