(Current Affairs) National Events | May : 2012
National Events
- Justice HS Bedi Panel
- Amendments in Motor Vehicle Act 1988 Approved
- Portal For Implementation of NSIGSE
- India’s Mangrove Cover Rises
- Interlinking of Rivers Project to Be Implemented
- Ayush to Be Included in National Health Schemes
- Who Removed India From Polio-endemic Countries
- Pmagyto be transferred to Mord
- Advance Reservation Of Berths Extended
- The New version of Mgnrega
- 4th Phase of ITMP Begins
- Kosi Mahasethu Inaugurated
- Biggest Coordinated Mock Drills
- India To Be A Youngest Nation By 2020
- River Diversion And Soil Erosionthreatenturtle Nesting
- NCPCR Guidelines For Schools