(Scholarship) The Rhodes Trust: Rhodes Scholarship for Indian Students to Oxford University - 2013
Rhodes Scholarships India - 2013
Each year, there are five Scholarships available for India to enable outstanding students - chosen on the basis of exceptional intellect, character, leadership, and commitment to service - to study at the University of Oxford.
The first Indian Rhodes Scholars took up residence in Oxford in 1947, and since that time nearly two hundred Indians have been awarded this prestigious scholarship. They have pursued a variety of careers in public service, academia, business, law, and medicine, amongst others.
Conditions of Eligibility
- The Scholarships are open to citizens of India.
- Candidates must be of such an age that they will have passed their 19th and not have passed their 25th birthday on the 1st October 2013..
- Candidates must have at least a first class degree in Humanities, Sciences, Law, Engineering, Agriculture or Medicine from an Indian University. Candidates who are in the Final year of a degree course and have exceptionally bright academic record may also apply.
- Candidates for medical studies should consult the Secretary, as well as the Medical School Offices at Oxford, before submitting an application. Particular difficulties may arise for those wishing to do research in clinical departments.
- Marriage is not a bar to applying for, or holding, a Rhodes scholarship. However, married candidates should bear in mind that the scholarship stipend is sufficient only for one person, and that the Trust takes no financial responsibility for the support of a scholar's spouse. Moreover, spouses who are not British citizens will find it very difficult to obtain permission to undertake paid work in England.
- Subject to ratification by the Rhodes Trustees, the Committee of Selection for India is responsible for deciding whether candidates comply with forgoing conditions, and for making the nominations.
Eligibility criteria for the Rhodes Scholarship
The following eligibility criteria apply to all applicants for the Rhodes Scholarships:
- Citizenship & residency: Each applicant must fulfil the citizenship and residency requirements of the Rhodes constituency for which they are applying. Please check the detailed information carefully via the country links.
- Age: Age limits vary between constituencies and range from a minimum age limit of 18 to a maximum of 28 by 1 October of the year following election. In most constituencies, the age limit is 24 or 25. Please check carefully the specific age requirements for your constituency before applying.
- Education: All applicants must have achieved academic standing sufficiently advanced to assure completion of a bachelor's degree by the October following election. Academic standing must be sufficiently high to ensure admission to the University of Oxford, which has very competitive entry requirements, and to give confidence that Rhodes Scholars will perform to a high academic standard in Oxford. Individual constituencies may specify a 1st or equivalent. Please check the detailed requirements via the country links. Some constituencies require an undergraduate degree to have been taken within the constituency of application.
What to submit
For detailed application requirements for each constituency, please visit the country pages via the country links. In broad terms, all constituencies will require the following materials in differing forms:
- Evidence of academic record / transcript (complete or in progress) of undergraduate degree and any postgraduate study
- Curriculum vitae/resumé or list of principal activities
- Personal statement or essay (including, crucially, a clear statement of what the applicant wishes to study at Oxford and why)
- Evidence of age / birth certificate / passport
- English Language proficiency (where English is not the first language)
- Photograph
- List of referees (usually several are required) who can attest in confidential references to the character and intellect of the applicant, including academic, personal, extra-curricular and leadership achievements (and who should never include people to whom you are related)
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Courtesy: rhodesscholarships-india.com