(Sample Materials) Gist of India Year Book 2013 - "Basic economic Data"
Contents of the Chapter:
- Intoduction
- Monitoring of Infrastructure Sectors
- Central Statistical Office
- Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS)
- National Sample Survey Office
- MCQs for Final Practice
- THE Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation consists of two wings namely: Statistics Wing and Programme Implementation Wing.
The Ministry is the apex body in the official statistical system of the country. It is the authority that controls the Indian Statistical Service (ISS) and Subordinate Statistical Service (SSS). It is also the Administrative Ministry for the Indian Statistical Institute, an autonomous registered scientific society of national importance. The Ministry includes, inter-alia, the Central Statistical Office (CSO) and the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO).
The Central Statistical Office (CSO) located in Delhi with a wing at Kolkata, is responsible for formulation and maintenance of statistical standards, work pertaining to national accounts, industrial statistics, consumer price indices for urban non-manual employees, conduct of economic census and surveys, training in official statistics, coordination of statistical activities undertaken within the country and liaising with international agencies in statistical matters.
National and per capita income
National Income is defined as the sum of incomes accruing to factors of production, supplied by normal residents of the country before deduction of direct taxes. It is identically equal to the net national product at Factor Cost.
National and Per Capita Income at Factor Cost at 2004-05 prices are 4269994 crore rupees and 36,003 rupees respectively, while at current prices National and Per Capita Income are 6466860 crore rupees and 54,527 rupees respectively.
The National Sample Survey (NSS) was set up in 1950 for conducting large scale sample surveys to meet the data needs of the country for the estimation of national income and other aggregates. It was reorganized in 1970 by bringing together all aspects of survey work under a single agency known as the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) under the overall technical guidance of a Governing Council.
The Director General and Chief Executive Officer (DG & CEO) of the NSSO is responsible for supervising the activities of the organization. It has four divisions viz. (i) Survey Design and Research Division (SDRD) (ii) Field Operations Division (FOD) (iii) Data Processing Division (DPD) (iv) Co-ordination and Publication Division (CPD).
The Survey Design Research Division has its headquarters at Kolkata. The FOD has its headquarters at New Delhi with a network of 6 zonal offices located at Bangluru, Guwahati, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow and Nagpur, 49 regional offices and 116 sub-regional offices spread throughout the country. The DPD with its headquarters at Kolkata, functions through the Data processing Centres at Ahmedabad, Bangaluru, New Delhi, Giridh, Kolkata and Nagpur.
The subjects taken up under socio-economic surveys are—surveys on Consumer Expenditure, Employment-Unemployment, Social Consumption (Health, Education, etc.) Manufacturing Enterprises and Service Sector Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector being covered once in five years, while subjects like Land and Livestock Holding, Debt and Investment are covered once in 10 years.
- The data on Consumer Expenditure and Employment - Unemployment were also collected in every round from a thin sample along with the main subject of enquiry up to 64th round of NSS.
- The 62nd round of NSS (July 2005 - June 2006) was on Unorganized manu-facturing and usual annual survey of Household Consumer Expenditure and Employment-Unemployment.
- NSS 63rd round (July 2006 -June 2007) survey was on “Services Sector Enterprises (excluding Trade) and Household Consumer Expenditure. All three reports on this survey have been released.
- NSS 64th round (July 2007 - June 2008) survey was on Participation and Expenditure in Education, Employment-Unemployment & Migration and Household Consumer Expenditure.
- NSS 65th round (July 2008-June, 2009) was devoted to Domestic Tourism, Housing Condition, Urban Slums and Civic Amenities and the field work this survey was completed in June, 2009.
- The 66th round of NSS is 8th Quinquennial Round on Employment, Unemployment and Consumer Expenditure. Field work of this survey has started from July, 2009 and will continue up to June, 2010.
- Thereafter, the field work of 67th Round of NSS devoted to Survey of Un-incorporated non agricultural Enterprises covering Manufacturing. Trade and Service Sectors will start from 1st July, 2010.
- Summary of the results of these surveys are also published in Sarvekshana - a Bi-annual Technical Journal of the NSSO.
Annual Survey of Industries
The Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) is the principal source of industrial statistics in India. It provides statistical information to objectively and realistically assess and evaluate the change in the growth, composition and structure of the organized manufacturing sector. This sector comprises activities related to manufacturing processes, repair services, generation, transmission, etc., of electricity, gas and water supply and cold storage. The survey is conducted annually under the statutory provisions of the Collection of Statistics Act, 1953.
The ASI 2007-08 indicates a total of 1,55,321 working factories in all States and Union Territories except the States of Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram and Sikkim and the Union Territory of Lakshadweep. These factories together had a total of fixed capital worth 10,55,96,614 Lakhs, and invested capital 15,35,17,773 Lakhs. These factories have provided gainful employment to 1,13,27,485 persons and distributed 1,29,44,123 Lakhs as emoluments to employees.
Energy Statistics 2011
The latest issues, “Energy Statistic 2011”, is the 18th issue in the series. The objective of this publication is to meet the information needs of national and international policy markers, administrators and researchers concerned with the energy sector.
Economic Census
The Central Statistical Office (CSO) undertook a countrywide Economic Census, for the first time in 1977 to provide a better frame for conducting follow-up surveys for collection of detailed information particularloy from unorganized establisments.
The Fifth Economic Census was conducted in the year 2005 in all the States/UTs again in collaboration with State/UT Directorates of Economics & Statistics. The Census covered all entrepreneurial activities throughout the country (except crop production and planation). The final results of Economic Census 2005 were released on 29th May, 2008. According to the results there were 41.8 million establishments in the country employing 100.9 million persons. The Ministry has proposed to conduct 6th Economic Census during 2012 in association with State / UT Directorates of Economics & Statistics.
Monitoring of Infrastructure Sectors
The Infrastructure and Project Monitoring Division (IPMD) in the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation is monitoring the performance of the country’s eleven key infrastructure sectors, namely, Power, Coal, Railways, Shipping and Ports, Telecommunications, Fertilizers, Cement, Petroleum & Roads and Civil Aviation.
Twenty Point Programme
The Twenty Point Programme (TPP) was conceived with the objective of improving the quality of life of the people, especially those living below the poverty line. The programme, initiated in the year 1975 was restructured in 1982, 1986 and in 2006. The restructured programme, known as Twenty Point Programme (TPP) – 2006, became operational with effect from 1st April, 2007.
Twenty Point Programme(tpp) – 2006
Twenty Point Programme (TPP)-2006 originally consisted of 20 points and 66 items being monitored individually by Central Nodal Ministries concerned. One of the 66 items viz. “Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY)” has since been merged with another item namely “National Rural Employment Guarantee Act” with effect from 1st April, 2008, which has now been renamed as “Mahatama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act” (MGNREGA) w.e.f. 2nd October, 2009, therefore SGRY was dropped from the list of 66 items under TPP-2006. The list of 65 items is enclosed at annexure I.
1. Consider the following statements:
- The Infrastructure and Project Monitoring Division (IPMD) is monitoring the performance of the country’s 12 key infrastructure sectors.
- The IPMD monitors the time and cost over runs in respect of the central sector projects costing Rs. 150 crore and above.
- The IPMD prepares and submits monthly review reports and capsules reports on the performance of Infrastructure sectors.
Which of the above statements is / are correct?
- 1 & 2 only
- 1 & 3 only
- 2 & 3 only
- All of the above.
2. Consider the following statements:
- The Twenty Point Programme was launched in 1976 and since then it has been restructured three times.
- Earlier there were 66 items in TPP but now it has 65 items as SGSY has since been merged with NREGA in 2008.
Which of the above statements is / are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 & 2
- Neither 1 nor 2