(Sample Materials) Gist of India Year Book 2013 - "India & The world"
Contents of the Chapter:
- Neighbouring Countries
- Afganistan
- Bangaladesh
- Bhutan
- China
- Maldives
- Myanmar
- Pakistan
- Srilanka
- Iran
- South East Asia and the Pacific
- Japan
- South Korea
- Eurasia
- Shanghai Cooperation Organization
- The Gulf
- West Africa
- Europe
- United Nations and International Organizations
- Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)
- Commonweath
- MCQs for Final Practice
India and Afghanistan signed a historic agreement on strategic partnership during the visit of President Karzai in October 2011; the first such agreement signed by Afghanistan with any country. The agreement reinforced the strong, vibrant and multi-faceted relations between the two countries and at the same time formalized a framework for cooperation in various areas between the two countries: political and security cooperation; trade and economic cooperation; capacity development and education; and social, cultural, civil society and people-to people relations. This agreement is a strong signal of our abiding commitment to peace, stability and prosperity in Afghanistan during this critical period of security and governance transition.
Bilateral cooperation between India and Bangladesh continued in all sectors of mutual interest and reached a peak with the visit of the Prime Minister of India to Bangladesh from 6-7 September, 2011, The progress of cooperation, though implementation of the Joint Communique issued in January 2010, was reviewed by both the prime Ministers and the new imparted by the prime Minister’s visit was reflected in the Joint Statement of 7 September, 2011. India facilitated 24-hour unfettered access to Bangladesh national though the Tin Bigha Area to Dahagram and Angorpota Enclaves, and permitted duty free import of 46 textile items (subsequently expanded to all items, except 25) in response to the request of Bangladesh.
India and Bhutan share uniquely warn and special relations based on mutual trust and understanding. India is providing assistance and support to Bhutan in its efforts towards social development, economic prosperity and strengthening of its democratic institutions. Regular high level exchange of visits. Close consultations and mutually beneficial cooperation under pin India’s relations with Bhutan. Their Majesties, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Jetsun Pema Wangchuck, the King and Queen of Bhutan, respectively, visited India from 23-32 October, 2011, the first ever visit abroad by the royal couple after their wedding on 13 October, 2011.
India continues to be Bhutan’s largest trade and development partner. During the India-Bhutan bilateral Trade Talks held in New Delhi in August 2011, India agreed to Bhutan’s request for use of Dalu and Ghasupara land custom stations for Bhutanese cargo and notification of four additional entry/exit points. India is providing assistance for the implementation of 68 projects in key socioeconomic sectors, such as agriculture, information and communications technology (ICT), media, health, education, energy, culture and infrastructure. Under the small Development of projects (SDPs), India is providing a grant to Bhutan for implementation of 1,900 projects in the county’s 20 districts and 205 blocks. The construction of the Punatsangchhu-I Hydro-Electric Project (HEP) is in full swing and the implementation of Punatsangchhu-II and Mangdecchu HEWPs are also progressing well, bringing both counties closer to the target of jointly developing nearly 10,000 MW of hydropower in Bhutan by 2020 for exports to India.
The relationship with China is priority in India foreign policy. The two countries established a Strategic and Cooperative partnership for peace and Prosperity in 2005. India and China also signed a joint document on shared Vision for the 21st Century between the Republic of India and the People’s Republic of China’, that reflects the congruence of interests that the two countries share on regional and international issues, and represents India’s willingness to work together in those areas. The year 2010 marked the 60th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of India the People’s Republic of China. The year 2011 was designated as the Year of India-China Exchanges and increased exchange between the two counties, particularly at the state/ provincial level. The two countries also maintained the momentum of regular high level political contacts.
Both sides are committed to resolving the outstanding issues, including the India-China Boundary Question, though peaceful negotiations. The 15th round of special Representatives talks on the India-China boundary question took place in New Delhi in January 2012. An agreement on the establishment of a Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on India-China Border Affairs was signed on the occasion.
During 2011 bilateral relations with the Maldives continued to be close and friendly. Visit of the prime Minister to the Maldives in November 2011 was a landmark one that opened up new vistas of bilateral cooperation between the two countries. Foreign Secretary Shri. Ranjan Mathai, visited the Maldives in February 2012, following the political development in that county, and extended India’s good offices in arriving at a mutually agreed course of action.
India and Myanmar are close and friendly neighbours linked, inter alia, by civilizational bonds, geographical proximity, culture, history and religion. Moreover, Myanmar being the only ASEAN Country having border with India, is also an important link between India and South East Asia.
India-Myanmar relations development and diversified satisfactorily and gained on increased momentum. over the last year, which saw the State visit of the president of Myanmar to India in October 2011, the External Affairs Minister’s visit of Myanmar in June 2011 and the visit of the Foreign Minister of Myanmar in January 2012. The year 2011-12 was marked by the transformation of the political structure in Myanmar, as it moved to a parliamentary democracy system. India has consistently supported Myanmar’s endeavour to transform into a democracy in an inclusive and broad based manner.
India is Nepal’s largest trade partner, and the largest source of foreign investment and tourist arrivals. Currently, there are over 400 small and large projects being undertaken under the India-Nepal Economic Cooperation Programme. With a view to facilitate development of the Terai region of Nepal and contribute to its economic development, India is assisting Nepal to development infrastructure in the border areas adjoining India is assisting Nepal to development of Integrated Check Posts, Cross-Border Rail Links and feeder and lateral roads in the Terai region.
In the presence of the two prime Ministers, an India-Nepal Bilateral Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement (BIPPA); an agreement for providing a credit line of US$ 250 million between the Government of Nepal and Export-Import Bank of India, and a MUO regarding Indian assistance of Rs. 1.875 crore for Nepal’s goiter control programme was signed. The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, met the prime Minister of Nepal on the sidelines of the 66th UN General Assembly in New York on 24 September, 2011, and on sidelines of the 17th SAARC Summit in Addu City on 11 November, 2011.
The then Minister for Finance, Shri Pranab Mukherjee, visited Nepal on 27 November, 2011.
The Minister Finance signed the revised Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) with his counter part in the presence of the Prime Minister of Nepal. To enhance interaction between parliamentarians from India and Nepal, and foster better understanding and friendship, a group of six young parliamentarians from India visited Nepal on 26-29 March, 2011. A delegation comprising 15 women Constituent Assembly Members/parliamentarians from Nepal visited India from 7-13 August, 2011.
During the meeting of External Affairs Minister and Pakistan’s Foreign Minister on July 27, 2011 in New Delhi, the Minister reviewed the status of bilateral relations, expressed satisfaction on the holding of various Secretary level meeting and affirmed the importance of carrying forward the dialogue process with a view to resolved peacefully all outstanding issue through constructive and result oriented engagement.
India’s concerns and expectations have been conveyed to Pakistan on several occasions, including Prime Minister level talks on the sideline of SAARC Summit in Bhutan in April 2010. Home Minister visited Islamabad for the SAARC Interior / Home Minister’s Meeting on June 26, 2010. External Affairs Minister (EAM) visited Islamabad on July 15, 2010. The Minister agreed to convene separate expert level meeting on Nuclear and Conventional CBMs, in Islamabad in September 2011.
During the Foreign Minister level talks in July 2011, both India and Pakistan agreed that terrorism poses a continuing threat to peace and security and reiterated the firm and undiluted commitment of two countries to fight and eliminate this scourge in all its forms and manifestations.
Sri Lanka
The President of Sri Lanka Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa secured a convincing victory in the Presidential election in January 2010 and his ruling coalition won a comfortable majority in the Parliamentary election in April 2010. President of Sri Lanka, Mr. Mahindra Rajapaksa accompanied by Mrs. Shiranthi Rajapaksa and high-level delegation, including three Cabinet Ministers paid a State visit from 8-11 June 2010. President Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa was invited to attend the Closing Ceremony, as an Honored Guest, on 14th October, of the Commonwealth Games.
Indian and Iran enjoy rich historical and civilisational ties that go back to millennia. The year 2011 witnessed further strengthening of between India and Iran though a series of high level interactions and exchange. The Prime Minister's meeting with the Speaker Lok Sabha, were the high points of the bilateral exchanges between the two counties in 2011, Foreign Office Consultations at the level of Foreign Secretary and Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister were held in July 2011 in Tehran. The period also saw continued bilateral exchanges in a number of areas such as energy, trade banking commerce, industry and culture etc. India held its Days of and Iran was also on a Shiraz from may 10-17, 2011. Bilateral trade between India and Iran was also on a growth trajectory, registering a 2.07% growth in 2010-11 compared to the fiscal 2009-10.
Intensification of high-level visits, regular meeting of existing institutional mechanisms of cooperation contributed to strengthening of relations. The year witnessed four visits at the level of Heads of State/Government (Thailand’s Prime Minister, April 2011; New Zealand prime Minister January 2011) and two visits by India’s Prime Minister to Indonesia and Singapore (November 2011). The Thailand Prime Minister, Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, became the third consecutive leader from South East Asia to be the chief guest at India’s Republic Day parade. Parliamentary Friendship Groups were constituted in the respective Parliaments of Singapore and Thailand. Parliamentary chapters with Indonesia and Malaysia were also reconstituted.
Security and defence relations also improved following regular exchanges and dialogues at various levels. An MoU on defence cooperation was signed with Thailand in January 2012, making it the ninth country in the region with India has such a formal arrangement. Economic relations with South East Asian countries represent a major focus of our growing ties. Making the India-ASEAN free trade agreement fully operational and discussions to include free trade in services and investments to make it a comprehensive economic cooperation agreement (CECA) are at an advanced stage. A part from the comprehensive Economic cooperation Agreement with ASEAN, India has operationalised bilateral CECA with several ASEAN countries, (the latest being with Malaysia in July 2011) while it is negotiating similar agreements with Indonesia and Thailand, Bilateral trade with ASEAN in 2010-11 reached US$ 57 billion, showing an increase of nearly 30 per cent over the previous year, with India’s exports growing by over 50 per cent at over US$ 27 billion. The target set by the Prime Minister for bilateral trade of US$ 70 billion by 2012 should thus be successfully met. India continued to provide project related development assistance to the countries of the ASEAN region in teams of grant-in-aid and line of credit. India is also putting up an e-network project for tele-medicine and tele-education for CLMV nations (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmer and Vietnam) on the lines of the highly successful Pan-Africa e-network project. India continued to extend assistance for the human resource development and capacity building programmes through the ITEC programme and the Colombo Plans.
The Japanese Prime Minister, Mr Yoshihiko Node, came to India on a State visit on 27-28 December, 2011, for the Annual Summit between the two counties. A Joint Statement titled ‘Vision for the Enhancement of India-Japan Strategic and Global Partnership upon entering the year of the 60th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations was signed by the two prime Ministers during the Annual Summit. During the visit, the Japanese side renewed its commitment to flagship infrastructure projects, like, the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Projects and the Dedicated Freight Corridor West project, and expressed supports for the new Chennai-Bengaluru Industrial Corridor project.
In 2011, bilateral trade between the two countries reached $17.7 billion. It is excepted that this figure will increase further as a result of the India-Japan comprehensive economic partnership Agreement (CEPA), which came into force on 1 August, 2011. For the 8th consecutive year India in 2011 continued to be the largest recipient of Japanese ODA.
Republic of Korea (RoK)
In 2011, India and Republic of Korea have continued to maintain the momentum in bilateral relations with the exchange of high level visits. The two sides are also celebrating Year 2011 as the “Year of India” in Korea and “Year of Korea” in India.
Following implementation of comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) in January 2010, India’s economic and commercial relations with RoK have continued to flourish, with the total bilateral trade growing by 22 per cent in the first 11 months of 2011.
The president of India visited RoK from 24-27 July, 2011, with the highlight of the visit being the signing of the Agreement for cooperation in peaceful Uses of nuclear Energy. Parliamentary contacts between India and RoK have added another important dimension to India’s political ties with RoK. The speaker of the Lok Sabha, Smt Meira kumar, and the deputy Chairman of the Rajya sabha, Shri K Rahman Khan, led an Indian delegation to RoK for attending the G-20 speakers Consultations in Seoul from 18-20 may, 2011. Minister of Science and technology, Earth Science and Parliamentary Affairs, Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal, visited RoK from May 2-6, 2011,and took part in the 1st India-Korea Science & technology Ministerial Steering Committee meeting. The Minister of Tourism, Shri Subodh Kant Sahai, participated in the 19th UN World Tourism Organisation General Assembly held in Gyeongiu from 8-11 October, 2011. Defence has emerged as important area of cooperation between the two countries during the year. India participated at the Seoul International Aerospace and Defence Exhibition 2011 (ADEX).
India has a very special strategic partnership with Russia which has stood the test of time over the last five decades. The relationship, characterized by both sides as a ‘special and privileged partnership’, received a fillip in 2010 with visit to Indian by both Prime Minister Mr. Vladimir Putin and President Mr. Dmitri Medvedev.
President of Turkmenistan Mr. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov paid a State Visit to India in May 2010. Significant decisions were taken during the year to move forward the Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline project. India’s development experience was shared with all the countries of Central Asia through the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme, counterterrorism dialogues continued at the expert level to deal with common challenges of terrorism and fundamentalism.
Prime Minister’s visit to Kazakhstan (April 2011) underlined the importance we place on the region in general and on Kazakhstan in particular as India’s strategic partner. India hosted Uzbek President Mr. Karimov’s visit to India (May 2011) when both countries agreed to elevate bilateral relations to the level of a strategic partnership.
India’s relationship with the countries in the Caucasus region, namely, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia and deep rooted in history. We attach a great deal of significance to the maintenance of good relations with these countries and to the enhancement of our economic engagement with the India maintained regular contacts with these countries through Ministerial and official level visit, providing assistance to them in capacity building and encouraging private sector engagement for boosting trade and investment relations.
An India-Armenia Centre for Excellence in Information Technology was inaugurated in Yerevan, Armenia, in November 2011by the Minister of State for Communications & Information Technology. The fifth session of the India Armenia Inter-Governmental commission (IGC) and Foreign Office Consultations also took place in Baku, Azerbaijan, in September 2011. An agreement for avoidance of Double taxation and Prevention of Fiscal Evasion was signed between India and Georgia in August 2011.
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
India attaches great importance to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), most of the members of which belong to our extended neighborhood. India has played a constructive and important role in SCO as an observer and has consistently articulated its desire to play an expanded and more meaningful role on the SCO platform. We value the role of the SCO in bringing security, stability and development to our region and stand ready to contribute more to the SCO. The SCO can play a critical role in countering terrorism through collaborative efforts and a greater profile in Afghanistan.
India-Russia-China (IRC)
The India-Russia-China (IRC) Trilateral Foreign Ministers’ Meeting is a unique platform for the Foreign Ministers of three emerging and influential global powers to have a candid exchange of view points on key regional and global issues. We, therefore, attach a lot of importance to the mechanism. Meetings under the IRC framework were held in Russia during the year. Under the disaster management theme, a trilateral programme for exchange of information and expertise in flood and drought control was held in Heyderabad in May 2011. The IRC continued to play its role as useful platform for three emerging global issues.
The Gulf region continues to be a major trading partner of India, with bilateral trade exceeding US$ 130 billion during 2010-11. The region plays a significant role in India’s energy security and it hosts over 6 million Indian expatriates. Accordingly, India has a vital stake in the peace and continued progress and prosperity of the Gulf countries. Gulf countries together provide about 70% of our total crude requirement and play a key role in our energy security. About 6 million Indians live and work in the Gulf region. They are a vital support to our economy remitting more than US$ 30 billion annually. The 2nd India-United Arab Emirates Political Consultations were held in New Delhi on 8 February, 2012.
India’s relations with the 25 countries of West Africa continued to grow during the year, with several important visits and interactions of political leadership at multilateral fora. The Ministry’s flagship project of Pan-African e-Network was implemented in 12 more countries during the year, thus taking total number of African countries coming under the loop to 43.
In May 2011, the second Africa India Forum Summit (AIFII) was organized in Addis Ababa. This summit built upon the historical relationship that exists between India and Africa, and contributed to the designing of a structure for enhanced engagement between India and its African partners in the 21st century.
:Two documents, the Addis Ababa declaration and the Africa India Framework for Enhanced cooperation, adopted at the end of the Summit, will guide our systematic enhanced engagement with Africa in the coming years. The Addis Ababa Declaration is a political document that covers issues of bilateral, regional and international interest to India and Africa, including our common position on UN reforms, climate change, WTO, international terrorism, etc. the Africa India Framework for Enhanced Cooperation spells out the agreed areas of cooperation, including human resources and institutional capacity building, education, science and technology, agriculture productivity and food security, industrial growth, including small and medium enterprises, minerals, development of the health sector, development of infrastructure, ICT and the establishment under civilian control.
At the highest level, three major events took place during the year. The first Indo-German Inter-governmental Consultation between the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, and the German Chancellor, Ms Angela Merkel, were held in New Delhi in May 2011. The 12th India-EWU Summit was held in New Delhi in February 2011. The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, led the Indian side to the Summit while the President of the European Commission, Mr Jose Manuel Barroso, represented the European Union. This was the first Summit in India following the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty. A meeting between the Prime Minister and the UK Prime Minister, Mr David Cameron, was also held on the sidelines of the G-20 Summit at Cannes in November 2011.
The Lok Sabha Speaker, Smt Meira Kumar, led a delegation of Speakers from the state Legislative Assemblies of India for the 57th commonwealth Parliamentary Association Meeting in London in July 2011 and transited through France in October 2011. The Speaker of the UK House of Commons, Mr John Bercow, visited India in August 2011.
European Union
- The European Union, as a block of 27 countries, is India’s largest trading partner; and the second largest investor in India.
India and the European Union (EU) are Strategic Partner whose relationship is founded on shared values and principles of democracy, rule of law, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. India and the EU had regular interaction at various levels including at the highest level. The India-EU Joint Action Plan which was adopted in 2005 and reviewed in 2008 covers the entire gamut of relations between India and the EU. The 11th India-EU Summit held in Brussels on 10th December, 2010 was the first Summit after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. It gave a new impetus to the strategic partnership between India & EU.
United States of America
India and the United States continued to deepen and expand their global strategic partnership, outlined by Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and U.S. President Mr. Barack Obama during Prime Minister’s State visit to Washington DC in November 2009. President Obama’s visit to India in November 2010 significantly expanded the long term strategic framework of the relationship and elevated the India-US Strategic Partnership to a new level. Prime Minister and President Obama reaffirmed that India-U.S. Strategic partnership is indispensable not only their two countries but also for global stability and prosperity in the 21st century.
Prime Minister Singh and President Obama met on the margins of the East Asia Summit in Bali in November 2011. The External Affairs Minister, Shri S M Krishna, co-chaired the Second India-US Strategic Dialogue with the US Secretary of State, Ms Hillary Clinton, on 19 July, 2011, in New Delhi. The two sides maintained close consultations on regional and global developments. Commercial ties with India’s largest trading partner, in terms of both goods and services, and people-to-people contacts continued to grow during the year.
United Nations and International Organizations
The Year 2010 represented a high watermark for India at the United Nations. India was elected to the UN Security Council as a non-permanent for a two-year term beginning 1st January 2011. In the elections held in October 2010, India received 187 of 190 valid votes cast, the maximum number among countries elected to the Security Council.
Under India’s leadership, the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee adopted an outcome documents on 28 September, 2011, that called for zero to lerance of terrorism and of terrorist actions. In view of the serious threat posed to international maritime trade and security by piracy of the coast of Somalia, India stressed the need for concerted international cooperation. At India’s initiative, the security Council mandated international cooperation for release of hostages taken by pirates as well as for prosecution of those taking hostages and those aiding and abetting the acts of hostage-taking. India also participated actively in the deliberation of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS) dealing with coordination of international counter-piracy efforts.
India also maintained its leadership role in UN peace keeping operations, through substantial contribution of personnel and force enablers. India was the third largest troop contributor, with over 8,000 troops deployed across the world in 10 peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lebanon, Golan heights, Liberia, cote d’Ivoire, Cyprus, East Timor, Haiti, Abyei and South Sudan. During its presidency of the Security Council in August 2011. India organised a the matic debate on UN peacekeeping that highlighted the critical importance consulting troop contributing countries in decision related to mandates of peace keeping mission.
India notched significant success in the elections held in the UN during 2011. These include elections for the membership of the economic and Social council (ECOSOC), the Human Rights Council, the United Nations Children’s Education Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Human Settlement’s Programme (UN Habitat) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). In addition, India’s candidates were elected to the International Law Commission, the Joint Inspection Unit and were re-elected to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
- India, which is among the top three troop contributing countries with around 9,000 troops deployed in nine UN peacekeeping Mission, continued its contribution and participation in the normative debate on UN peacekeeping.
Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)
As a leading member of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) held in Bali, Indonesia, from 25-27 May, 2011. It also participated in the Commemorative Meeting held at Belgrade from 5-6 September, 2011, to observe the 50th anniversary of the historic meeting between the founding fathers of NAM.
Addressing the meeting, External Affairs Minister said that the NAM must be guided by a new, forward-looking and focused agenda, while addressing global challenged related to the management of global economy and finance, securing stable food and energy supplies, poverty alleviation, eradicating hunger and deprivation, coping up with climate change, combating terrorism, drug-trafficking and organized crime.
India is the largest Member State of the Commonwealth, accounting for nearly 60% of its total population. It is the fourth largest contributor to the Commonwealth’s budget. India also provides the largest number technical experts funded by the Commonwealth Fund for the Technical Cooperation (CFTC) extending assistance to developing Commonwealth countries after U.K. The Vice-President, Shri M Hamid Ansari, led the official Indian delegation tot he Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) held in Perth, Australia, from 28-30 October, 2011. The External Affairs Minister, Shri S M Krishna, participated in the Commonwealth Foreign Ministers Meeting that preceded CHOGM on 26-27 October.
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
During the Silver Jubilee Year of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) India has worked with its other fellow members to try and transform SAARC into a dynamic vehicle of regional economic cooperation. During the period, India continued to discharge its responsibilities in SAARC in an asymmetric and non-reciprocal manner.
India continued to discharge its responsibilities and assume commitments to deepen and intensify regional cooperation in an asymmetric and non-reciprocal manner; this was made particularly evident at the XVII Summit of SAARC in the Maldives in November 2011 at which the Prime Minister led the Indian delecation.
During the year, significant progress was recorded in the implementation of flagship projects promoted by India, such as the South Asian University (SAU), SAARC.
Development Fund (SDF) and the organisation of a South Asian Forum (SAF), whose fist meeting was held in New Delhi in September 2011. India’s contributions have helped enhance the process of moulding SAARC into a more project-based, result-oriented organisation.
Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
The India’s Look East Policy is one of the cornerstones of its foreign policy and is anchored in its relationship with the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), East Asia Summit (EAS), Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi Sectoral technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), and the Mekong-Ganga Cooperation (MGC). India also actively participates in the Asia Co-operation Dialogue (ACD) and the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM).
India and ASEAN are marking 2012 as a Commemorative Year of 20 years of dialogue relations and 10 years of Summit Partnership. India will be hosting the Commemorative Summit in December 2012 in New Delhi on the theme India and ASEAN: Partners in Progress and Prosperity. As the first of the commemorative events, the Ministry of External Affairs, in partnership with the Indian council of world Affairs (ICWA), the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), Institutde of South East Asia Studies (ISEAS, Singapore), Economic Research Institute of ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA, Indonesia) and the SAEA Research Group (Singapore), hosted the Delhi, Dialogue-IV, from 13-04 13-14 February, 2012, in New Delhi on the theme India and ASEAN: Partners for Peace, Progress and Stability.
(India, Brazil and South Africa)
- The Prime Minister led the Indian delegation to the third BRICS Summit in Sanya, China in April 2011; the fifth IBSA Summit in Pretoria, South Africa, in 15 October 2012.
IBSA countries coordination in UN Security Council and joint demarche with the Government of Syria for a peaceful resolution of its political problems was viewed with great keeness. Similarly, abstention of IBSA countries on the UN Resolution on Syria in October 2011 demonstrated IBSAs cohesion in the UNSC.
(Brazil, Russia, India and China)
BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) brings together four major emerging economics which together command 25.9% of world’s geographic area, 40% of global population and about 22% of global GDP (PPP). The 2nd Summit of BRIC Leaders was held back-to-back with the IBSA Summit in Brasilia on 15 April 2010.
- PM led the India delegation to the 3rd BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Summit on 14 April 2011 held at Sanya, China.
Energy Secuirty
Given the country's increasing dependence on energy imports and the growing importance of energy security issues in international affairs, it was decided in 2009 to upgrade the Energy Security unit into a full-fledged division. As the nodal point in MEA for all energy security matters, Energy Security Division maintained close coordination with all the energy line ministries, PSUs and territorial divisions and MEA and supported their international engagement on energy issues. Internationally' Energy Security Division played a major role in the process of India joining the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), which was established in 26 January 2009, At the First Session of the IRENA assembly held on April 4-5, 2011 at Abu Dhabi, India was elected by unanimous consent to the IRENA Council. Energy Security Division also took part in the various Technical Working Group (TWG) and Steering Committee Meetings of the proposed Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) Gas Pipeline leading to eventual signing of the TAPI Intergovernmental Agreement and the Framework Agreement at the TAPI Summit held on 11 December 2010 at Ashgabat.
Indian Council for cultural Relations (ICCR)
ICCR is mandated for establishing, reviving and strengthening cultural relations and mutual understaning between India and the outside world. With its headquarters in Delhi, fourteen regional offices in India and a number of cultural centers abroad, the activities of the Council also include administration of scholarship schemes for oversees students and facilitating their admissions in Indian universities. During the past year, the Council offered 226 new scholarships including 675 scholarships for Afghan students and 526 from African countries.
Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA)
The Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) continued to develop as a think tank, and as an important platform for debate and discussion on foreign affairs. Throughout the year, the ICWA was engaged in seminars and conferences relating to India’s core foreign policy interest, and in visits and lectures by eminent foreign dignitaries. ICWA also worked to comprehensively renovate the Sapru House premises a heritage building constructed/established under the encouragement of the country’s first Prime Minister Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru over fifty years ago. Efforts will continue at re-establishing the ICWA as the country’s lead think-tank on foreign policy issues.
Indian Council of Overseas Employment (Icoe)
- A not for profit society under the Societies Act 1860, to serve as a strategic think-tank’ on matters relating to overseas employment markets for Indians and overseas Indian workers.
Social Security Agreements (SSA)
- The Ministry has also signed bilateral SSAs with Belgium, France, Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Hungary and Denmark.
Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI)
The Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) Scheme was formally launched in August, 2005 by amending the Citizenship Act, 1955. The Scheme provides for the registration as Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) of all Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) who were citizens of India on or after 26th January, 1950 or were eligible to become citizens of India on 26th January, 1950 and who are citizens of other countries, except Pakistan and Bangladesh.
A registered Overseas Citizen of India is granted multiple entry, multi purpose, life-long visa for visiting India, and is exempted from registration with Foreigners Regional Registration Office for any length of stay in India. As on 31st May 2010, 6.02 lakh persons of Indian origin have been registered as Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs). Overseas Citizenship of India is not to be construed as ‘Dual-Citizenship’ as it does not confer political rights.
Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD)-2012
Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) convention is the flagship event of the Ministry organized every year in January since 2003, with a view to connect India to its vast Indian diaspora and bringing their knowledge, expertise and skills on a common platform. The 10th edition of the PBD was held in Jaipur from January 7-9-, 2012. The Convention was organised in partnership with the Government of Rajasthan. It was inaugurated by the Prime Minister on January8, 2012 and the Valedictory Address was delivered by the President on January 9, 2012. The President also confered the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award on 15 distinguished PIOs/NRIs. Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bissessar, the Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago, was the Chief Guest.
Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Awards (PBSA)-2011
The Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award (PBSA) is conferred on a Non-Resident Indian, Person of Indian origin or an organization or institution established and run by the Non-Resident Indians or Persons of Indian Origin, who have excelled in one’s field for outstanding work which has enhanced India’s prestige in the country of residence. PBSA is the highest honour conferred on overseas Indians. PBSA 2012 were conferred on the following:
- Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bessessar
- Mr. Kiran Navinchandra Asher
- Mr. Hassan Abdulkarim Chougule
- Mrs. Khorshed Noshir Ginwala-Rustomjee
- Ms. Kalpalatha Kummamuri Guntupalli
- Prof. Surendra Kumar Kaushik
- Mr. Prakash Lohia
- Mr. S.R. Nathan
- Mr. Jose Parayanken
- Mr. Radhakrishna P.K.V. Pillai
- Mr. Sachchidanand Sahai
- Mr. Rajesh Kumar Saraiya
- Mr. Deepak Naraindas Shivdasani
- Mr. Victor Shahed Smetacek
- Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce
Know India Programme (KIP)
Know India Programme is organized by the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, Government of India with the objective of familiarizing Indian Diaspora youth, in the age group of 18-26 years, with the developments and achievements made by the country in various fields e.g. economic, industrial, education, science and technology, communication and information technology, culture, etc and bringing them closer to the land of their ancestors.
Overseas Indian Facilitation Centre (OIFC)
Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs has set up an Overseas Indian Facilitation Center (OIFC) as a not-for-profit-trust, in partnership with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). The Center will be a ‘one stop shop’ for serving the interests of the Overseas Indian community and has the mandate to cover two broad areas viz: Investment Facilitation and Knowledge Networking.
India Development Foundation of Overseas Indians
India Development Foundation of Overseas Indians is a not-for-profit trust registered by the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, Government of India to provide a credible window for Overseas Indian Philanthropy in India’s Social development. The objective of the foundation is to facilitate philanthropic activities by Overseas Indians including through innovative projects and instruments such as micro credit for rural entrepreneurs, self help groups for economic empowerment of women, best practice interventions in primary education and technology interventions in rural health care delivery.
Global-Indian Network of Knowledge (GLOBAL INK)
The Ministry has developed a Diaspora knowledge network called-Global Indian Network of Knowledge (Global INK), an electronic platform that will connect people of Indian Origin from a variety of disciplines, recognized as leaders in their respective fields, not just in their country of residence but globally as well, with knowledge users at the national and sub-national levels in India. The network is being developed by M/s Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) on behalf of the Ministry.
- Global-INK will identify specific sectors and fields of activity that will broadly correspond with the development priorities set out in the eleventh five-year plan 2007-12.
Prime Minister’s Global Advisory Council of Overseas Indians
The Ministry has consitituted the Prime Minister’s Global Advisory Council of People of Indian Origin to draw upon the experience and knowledge of eminent people of Indian origin in diverse fields from across the world. The Council will be chaired by the Prime Minister and the renowned people of Indian Origin across the world have been selected as its Members.
Indian Community Welfare Fund (ICWF)
The Ministry has set up he ‘Indian Community Welfare Fund (ICWF) in the Indian Missions in all the countries, to provide on-site welfare for the Overseas Indian Citizens who are in distress in those countries. The Fund is aimed at providing the following services on a means tested basis:
- Boarding and lodging for distressed overseas Indian workers in Household / domestic sectors and unskilled labourers;
- Extending emergency medical care to the overseas Indians in need;
- Providing air passage to stranded overseas Indians in need.
- Providing initial legal assistance to the overseas Indians in deserving cases.
Trends in Emigration
There are about five million overseas Indian workers all over the world. More than 90 per cent of these workers are in the Gulf countries and Southeast Asia. During 2010 about 6.41 lakh workers emigrated from India with emigration clearance. Out of this, about 1.31 lakh workers went to UAE, about 2.75 lakh to Saudi Arabia, about 1.05 lakh to Oman, about 46,000 to Qatar and about 20,000 to Malaysia. Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh were the leading sourcing states.
Emigration Management Bill
The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA) administers the Emigration Act, 1983, which provides for the regulation of the emigration of Indian citizens for employment overseas. The Act provides for the institution of the Protector General of Emigrants acting through the Protectors of Emigrants as the institutional mechanism to manage the emigration of India workers for employment overseas.
However, in order to better address the problem of the exploitation of the emigrant workers and also adapt suitably to the present day paradigm in the emigration management, the Ministry has proposed for introduction of the Emigration Management, the Ministry had proposed for introduction of the Emigration Management Bill, 2010 in the Parliament and repeal the existing Emigration Act, 1983.
The new bill is aimed to transform the emigration process into a simple, efficient, transport, orderly and humane economic process and would benefit all stakeholders. The proposed Bill will modernize the legislative framework governing emigration, facilitate legal emigration, discourage irregular migration, enhance protection and welfare of emigrants, encourage ethical recruitment practices, enable market-friendly regulation of recruiters and provide for more deterrent penalties against crime such as human smuggling.
1. Consider the following statements:
- India and China have established a strategic and cooperative partnership for Peace and Prosperity in November 2012.
- The two countries have also signed a joint document on ‘A shared vision for the 21st century’.
Which of the above statements is / are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 & 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
2. Consider the following statements:
- India has provided a Line of Credit worth US Dollar 90 million to construct housing units in Maldives, to Maldives.
- India is the largest trade and development partner of Bhutan.
- Myanmar is the only Asian Country, having border with India.
Which of the above statements is / are correct?
- 1 & 2 only
- 1 & 3 only
- 2 & 3 only
- All of the above