(Voice Notes) Current Affairs Daily & Weekly Update: 22 May 2013 "Topic: Significant Achievements of UPA Government"
Current Affairs Daily Voice Notes
Daily Voice Notes
Spotlight/News Analysis (22 May):
- Topic of Discussion: Significant Achievements of UPA Government
- Expert Panel: Prof. Subrato Mukharjee (Political Analyst), K. B. Prasad (Associate Editor - The Tribune)
Samayiki (22 May):
- चर्चा का विषय: यू. पी. ए. सरकार की प्रमुख उपलब्धियां
- विश्लेषक: प्रो0. सुब्रतो मुखर्जी (राजनीतिक विशलेषक), के. बी. प्रसाद (सह-संपादक, द ट्रिब्यून)
Courtesy: Prasar Bharti